Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:45, 29.05.2024

National Commission for Archaeologys Aparaschivei: In Romania there are no barriers for detecting

National Commission for Archaeology's Aparaschivei: In Romania there are no barriers for detecting

The president of the National Commission for Archaeology, Dan Aparaschivei, declared on Wednesday, during the 58th National Session of Archaeological Reports, which is taking place in Targu Mures, that in Romania…

14:50, 22.05.2024

SMEs council closely monitoring dynamics of companies

SMEs council closely monitoring dynamics of companies

The dynamics of commercial companies, namely the difference between the number of registered companies and the number of suspended, struck off or closed companies, could drop this year to 20,000, from 22,000 last…

19:50, 01.04.2024

CNSPs Stanica believes in medium term economic growth to be supported especially by investments

CNSP's Stanica believes in medium term economic growth to be supported especially by investments

Economic growth for 2024 is estimated at 3.4%, and in the medium term the GDP advance will be supported by external funds coming through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), through governmental investments,…

23:01, 05.03.2024

Iohannis says Romania continues to record solid economic growth, contrary to some recessionary European developments

Iohannis says Romania continues to record solid economic growth, contrary to some recessionary European developments

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that Romania continues to record a solid economic growth, "contrary to some recessionary European developments". His message was presented by advisor Cosmin Marinescu, during…

13:45, 16.02.2024

Romania's crude oil production down 4.4pct, imports 15.3pct lower in 2023

Romania produced 2.795 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) of crude oil in 2023, 129,200 toe less (-4.4%) than in the same period last year, according to data centralised by the National Institute of Statistics…

19:00, 05.02.2024

Ludovic Orban announces Force of Right to challenge with Constitutional Court merger of elections

Ludovic Orban announces Force of Right to challenge with Constitutional Court merger of electionsThe leader of Force of Right Party [Forta Dreptei], Ludovic Orban, announced on Monday that he will challenge by…

16:46, 05.02.2024

Interviu cu Putin? Aflat la Moscova, jurnalistul american Tucker Carlson răspunde zâmbind: „Vom vedea”. Kremlinul păstrează tăcerea | VIDEO

Kremlinul a refuzat să spună dacă președintele rus Vladimir Putin i-ar acorda un interviu lui Tucker Carlson, jurnalistul american cunoscut pentru opiniile lui de dreapta dură și susținător al politicilor lui Donald…

13:55, 03.02.2024

Gas imports up 2 pct in first 11 months of 2023, production up 1.7 pct

Romania imported, in the first 11 months of 2023, a quantity of usable natural gas of 1.995 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), 2% higher (+39,800) than in the same period last year, according to data centralized…

15:10, 30.01.2024

Romania's crude oil production, down by 4.3%, imports down by 16.9% 11 months into 2023

Romania produced, in the first 11 months of 2023, a quantity of crude oil of 2.562 million tons of oil equivalent, 114,300 toe less (-4.3%) compared to the same period the previous year, according to centralized…

18:26, 26.01.2024

Entrepreneurs need a support package for the business community (employers' org leader)

Entrepreneurs need a package that supports the business community and includes various programmes such as subsidising diesel fuel for hauliers, supporting farmers affected by the war in Ukraine and launching national…

15:46, 18.01.2024

Sanitas Bucharest representatives, picketing Ministry of Finance, demand 20 pct wage increases for hospital staff

Representatives of Bucharest's hospitals personnel protested on Thursday in front of the Ministry of Finance, demanding an increase in salaries of at least 20%."In front of the Ministry of Finance there were about…

21:15, 17.01.2024

Measures relating to Health claims, phased according to urgency and resources at our disposal (PM Ciolacu)

Measures relating to Health claims, phased according to urgency and resources at our disposal (PM Ciolacu)The measures that will be taken into account regarding the claims from the health system must be phased…

11:15, 18.12.2023

Scheduled events for December 18

Scheduled events for December 18PRESIDENCY: - President Klaus Iohannis to decorate the Code for Romania Association EXECUTIVE: - Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu participates in the event entitled "30 years since…

16:55, 12.12.2023

Gov't proposes 3,700 lei minimum wage from 1 July 2024

Gov't proposes 3,700 lei minimum wage from 1 July 2024The Government proposed to increase the minimum wage from 3,300 lei to 3,700 lei as of 1 July 2024, while employers proposed 3,500 lei from 1 July 2024 and…

11:10, 28.11.2023

USA Visa Facilitation program expedites visa process for Romanian higher education teaching staff

The USA Visa Facilitation program - an initiative belonging to the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest in partnership with the Government of Romania, with the support of the National Council of Rectors (CNR) - is in place…

13:15, 27.11.2023

CNSAS employees - open letter to politicians and civil society: We want predictability and pay equity

The specialist staff of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives 9CNSAS) now in its sixth day of protest, sent an open letter to politicians and civil society on Monday calling for predictability…

10:10, 21.11.2023

Scheduled events for November 21

Scheduled events for November 21PRESIDENCY:- President Klaus Iohannis is paying an official visit to the Republic of Senegal PARLIAMENT:- Secret joint meeting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies devoted to…

17:00, 15.11.2023

PM Ciolacu: Gov't supports and promotes concept of active ageing

PM Ciolacu: Gov't supports and promotes concept of active ageingThe Government supports and promotes the concept of active ageing, so that Romania can be a country where "people live a long, healthy, meaningful,…

14:45, 15.11.2023

Romania, in top 10 countries whose populations are aging from year to year

Romania, in top 10 countries whose populations are aging from year to yearRomania is in the top 10 countries whose populations are aging year by year, and three out of 10 elderly people in our country have no one…

08:16, 14.11.2023

86 Romanian citizens, family members, evacuated from Gaza Strip, touched down in Romania

86 Romanian citizens, family members, evacuated from Gaza Strip, touched down in RomaniaA group of 86 Romanian citizens and family members evacuated from the Gaza Strip touched down in Romania on Tuesday morning…

20:20, 01.11.2023

Iohannis: Romania will continue sustained economic growth, well above the EU average this year

Iohannis: Romania will continue sustained economic growth, well above the EU average this yearRomania will continue its sustained economic growth well above the European Union average this year, President Klaus…

17:15, 01.11.2023

Nearly 580 companies, sole traders in Romania file for insolvency nine months into 2023

Nearly 580 companies, sole traders in Romania file for insolvency nine months into 2023The number of insolvent companies and sole traders in Romania decreased by 3.96% in the first nine months of 2023, y-o-y, to…

16:40, 27.10.2023

U.S. ambassador Kavalec attends celebration of Targu Mures American Corner's 12th anniversary

U.S. ambassador to Romania Kathleen Kavalec participated on Friday in the celebration of 12 years since the opening of the American Corner in Targu Mures as a section of the Mures County Library, with 3rd and 4th…

19:50, 20.10.2023

Archives of Romanian communist political police to be handed over to research body

The archives of the Securitate communist political police managed by the Defence Ministry will be handed over to the National Council for the Study of Securitate Archives (CNSAS).Under a government decision approved…

22:35, 19.10.2023

Government: Romania to send foodstuffs and bed items to Gaza Strip

Government: Romania to send foodstuffs and bed items to Gaza StripRomania will send free international assistance to the Gaza Strip, consisting of foodstuffs and bed items, the Government announces.According to…

14:15, 22.09.2023

Underage mothers who go to school to receive 700 RON scholarship

The minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, Natalia Intotero, said on Friday in Targu Jiu, at a debate on school dropout organised by the National Confederation for Female Entrepreneurship (CONAF), that…

09:56, 22.09.2023

MAE: Intrevederile ministrului afacerilor externe Luminita Odobescu cu o serie de organizatii evreiesti americane internationale, in marja participarii…

Intrevederile ministrului afacerilor externe Luminita Odobescu cu o serie de organizatii evreiesti americane internationale, in marja participarii la segmentul de nivel inalt al Adunarii Generale a ONU Ministrul…

10:51, 18.09.2023

Gas imports down 26.4% pct, production up 4.6 pct in first seven months of 2023

Romania imported, in the first seven months of 2023, a quantity of usable natural gas of 956,900 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), 26.4% (-342,700 toe) less than in the same period last year, according to data centralized…

09:10, 13.09.2023

Anti-discrimination council head, on Romania-Kosovo match incidents: Sport is sport, politics outside stadiums

Anti-discrimination council head, on Romania-Kosovo match incidents: Sport is sport, politics outside stadiumsSport is sport and, as such, politics takes place outside stadiums, National Council for Combating Discrimination…

10:30, 28.08.2023

David Andrei Vlad wins two gold medals at International Earth Science Olympiad

David Andrei Vlad wins two gold medals at International Earth Science OlympiadDavid Andrei Vlad, a 12th grade student at the "B. P. Hasdeu" National College, managed to win two gold medals at the "International…