Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:30, 07.07.2021

BNR keeps key interest rate at 1.25% p.a.

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) decided at a Wednesday meeting, to keep the monetary policy interest rate at 1.25% per annum and to maintain the existing levels of minimum reserve requirement ratios on both…

13:40, 02.07.2021

PM Citu maintains values of investment projects to be updated, in order to cover price increases

Prime Minister Florin Citu gave assurances on Friday that the values of all ongoing investment projects will be adjusted in view of the price increases in construction materials or other components of the respective…

13:55, 15.06.2021

PM Citu: Government will maintain fiscal stability, implement structural reforms and increase investment resources

Prime Minister Florin Citu conveyed at the meeting with the representatives of the Coalition for the Development of Romania (CDR) on Tuesday, that the Government will maintain fiscal stability, will implement structural…

17:46, 10.06.2021

AUR maintains to be legitimate political force, while Muraru was appointed by presidential order

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) is a legitimate political force that reached the Romanian Parliament through the democratically expressed will of an important part of the electorate, while Alexandru…

11:40, 08.06.2021

INS maintains the estimate of economic growth of 2.8% for the first quarter

Romania's Gross Domestic Product in the first three months of the year was, in real terms, higher by 2.8%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2020, and compared to the same quarter of 2020 it recorded a decrease…

16:20, 25.05.2021

PSD opposes decision of governing coalition to cancel increase tranches for children's allowances

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) announced, on Tuesday, that it opposes the governing coalition's decision to cancel the tranches to increase children's allowances and will vote to maintain the increase provided…

15:35, 16.05.2021

India, devastată de ciclonul Tauktae. Cel puţin patru persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa

Ciclonul care ameninţa India de câteva zile a devenit mult mai periculos în ultimele ore. Ploile torenţiale au cauzat inundaţii, iar patru persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa, informează India Today. De asemenea, toate…

10:06, 14.05.2021

Q1 2021 trade of motor vehicles advances 17.4pct in Romania

Wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles in Romania advanced 17.4%, unadjusted, in Q1 2021, y-o-y, reveals data published on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics…

17:05, 12.05.2021

Central bank maintains key interest rate at 1.25% per year

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) has decided, on Wednesday's meeting, to maintain the monetary policy interest rate at the level of 1.25% per year and the current levels of the minimum required reserve ratios…

17:20, 28.04.2021

Huawei lansează soluţia All-Flash Data Center și pune accentul pe valoarea datelor în era tehnologiilor inteligente

Huawei a organizat recent evenimentul de lansare online a soluției All-Flash Data Center. Denumit „Moving towards an All-Flash Data Center”, unde au fost prezentate ultimele tendințe și tehnologii, precum și provocările…

11:25, 08.04.2021

Statistics authority maintains its estimate for 2020 GDP contraction at 3.9 pct

In the provisional data released on Thursday, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) maintained its estimate for the GDP contraction in 2020 at 3.9 percent. In Q4 2020, the GDP was 4.8 percent higher in real…

16:01, 16.03.2021

Inflation at end of 2021 to be 3.4 pct, central bank says

The annual rate of CPI inflation is expected to maintain its upward trend until the end of the year, when it will reach the level of 3.4 pct, and will fall to 2.8 pct at the end of 2022, the Report on Inflation…

18:51, 09.02.2021

Kelemen Hunor - meeting with UK ambassador: We must have more ambitious goals

Maintaining the partnership between Romania and the United Kingdom during this difficult period was one of the topics of the discussions that took place on Tuesday between Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor and…

18:36, 30.12.2020

PM Citu: Salaries and bonuses in the public sector to stay at the December 20 level

Prime Minister Florin Cîtu on Wednesday said that the salaries and bonuses of the central and local public administration staff, including those holding public offices, will remain at the level of December 2020…

11:50, 30.12.2020

CERONAV - simulatoar Dynamic Positioning pentru industria offshore

Centrul Român pentru Pregătirea şi Perfecţionarea Personalului din Transporturi Navale - CERONAV a achiziţionat un simulator K-Sim Offshore DP (Dynamic Positioning) Class A, care îndeplineşte normele de acreditare…

10:30, 21.12.2020

Finlandezii călătoresc în autobuze alături de urși de pluș

Finlandezii din Helsinki care merg cu autobuzul vor sta alături de urși de pluș uriași pentru a le reaminti distanțarea socială în pandemie. Este metoda ingenioasă la care au apelat autorităţile finlandeze pentru…

14:15, 15.12.2020

Romania wants to maintain trade balance surplus with the UK at least at last 2-3 years' level

Romania wants to maintain a surplus of the trade balance with the United Kingdom at least at the level recorded in the last 2-3 years, said on Tuesday the president of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry…

18:25, 02.12.2020

Air France, KLM maintain flights from Bucharest to Amsterdam and Paris, this winter

Air France and KLM airlines will continue to operate flights from Bucharest to Paris and Amsterdam, and back, this winter, reads a press release of the Group formed by these two companies. Thus, Romanian passengers…

11:45, 18.11.2020

SARS-CoV-2 infection rate maintains ascending trend in Timisoara County

The infection rate with SARS-CoV-2 in western Timisoara continues its ascending trend, reaching, Wednesday, 8.30 per thousand people, compared to 8.23, the value it recorded on Tuesday, the Timis Prefecture informs,…

11:25, 13.11.2020

INS: Trade in motor vehicles, market services provided to population down Jan-Sep 2020

The volume of turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles decreased in the first nine months of the year by two figures, both as gross series and as adjusted…

14:06, 02.11.2020

PM Orban: Fitch and Moody's reaffirming Romania's sovereign rating, a great victory of the Gov't

Chairman of the National liberal Party (PNL), Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, declared on Monday that Fitch and Moody's decision to maintain Romania's sovereign rating is a "great victory" of his government."I want…

09:55, 29.10.2020

FinMin Citu: Moody's maintained Romania's rating; maintaining it in the future depends on responsible policies

The Minister of Public Finance, Florin Citu, on Wednesday stated that the rating agency Moody's maintained the country rating for Romania, while emphasizing that Moody's latest report shows very clearly that "maintaining…

19:35, 26.10.2020

NATO Deputy SecGen:Maintaining integrity of its collective defense systems, extremely important for NATO as an alliance

For NATO, as an alliance, it is extremely important to maintain the integrity of its collective defense systems and make sure that they remain fully operational, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana told…

13:46, 16.10.2020

PM underscores gov't' maintains position in respect to flat tax being maintained

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, on the occasion of his meeting with the representatives of the Coalition for Romania's Development (CDR), underscored that the government remains firm in its decision to maintain the…

22:35, 13.10.2020

Iohannis: Permanent challenge of sanitary rules and restrictive measures maintains a state of distrust

The constant challenge of sanitary rules and restrictive measures, in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, maintain a state of disbelief, president Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday, in a press conference at the…

15:10, 01.10.2020

DefMin tells cadets: Challenges - high, it will not be easy for you to maintain academic level

On Thursday, Minister of National Defence Nicolae Ciuca sent a message to the cadets of the military faculties and underlined the high academic level, but also the challenges of the pandemic, according to Agerpres.…

11:45, 08.09.2020

Statistics authority maintains estimate for Q2 economic shrinkage at 12.3 pct

Romania's Q2 GDP was 12.3 percent lower in real terms compared to the first quarter, shows provisional data released on Tuesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).Year-over-year, the GDP was 10.5 percent…

15:50, 07.09.2020

PM Orban on Romanian Diplomacy Meeting: Our mission is to ensure right to vote of Romanians abroad

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday told the representatives of the Romanian diplomatic offices to take measures to ensure the best conditions for the Romanians in the diaspora to be able to vote in the parliamentary…

11:57, 01.07.2020

Ciolacu maintains that Gov't economic relaunch plan is copied from PSD governing program

Acting chair of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu stated on Wednesday that a large part of the National Investment and Economic Relaunch Plan, drawn up by the Government, copies the governing program…

12:49, 16.06.2020

Need to maintain balance between measures to combat health crisis and long-term objectives of Cohesion Policy

There is a need to maintain a balance between measures taken to combat the health crisis and the long-term objectives of Cohesion Policy, European Funds Minister Marcel Bolos said at the debate organized by the…