Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:49, 18.05.2020

BNR's Isarescu say BNR immediate goal is to ensure necessary liquidity to fund expenses of state,real economy

The immediate goal of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) remains to ensure the necessary liquidities to fund the expenditures of the state and real economy, in conditions of relative exchange rate stability and…

00:17, 12.05.2020

FinMin Citu: We borrow to pay PSD's bills and expenses

We borrow in order to pay the bills and expenses made by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), and had the PSD been a responsible party, it wouldn't have passed laws in Parliament without the necessary funding source,…

13:07, 17.04.2020

FinMin Citu: No funds cut at budget revision

The latest national budget revision did not cut any funds, but some ministries that said they could help the budget cut on their non-essential expenses, and the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Education…

15:33, 09.04.2020

FinMin Citu:Personnel expenditures of public sector are 109 B lei/year;postponement of some expenses for 2021 analysed

The highest expenditures of the budget are those for social assistance and personnel so that we must reassess these sectors or that part of the budget with high expenses, to see whether we can postpone them for…

19:50, 15.03.2020

PM Orban: No problem with funding Romania's public expenses

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has announced on Sunday evening that there currently are no problems regarding the funding of Romania's public expenditure. Referring to the possibility of a loan from the International…

12:30, 13.02.2020

Vegetables, fruit, pork, highest price increases, air transport, higher by 50 pct in January

Vegetables, fruit and pork are the products that have become more expensive in January of this year, while in the services sector the tariffs for air transport grew by 50,3 pct, according to data of the National…

13:14, 31.12.2019

Lamborghini, Ferrari, Jaguar, among the expensive automobiles registered by Romanians January through November 2019

Romanians have registered in January through November 2019 as many as 26 new Lamborghini and 18 Ferrari among the expensive automobile brands preferred being also Jaguar, Lexus, Maserati, Bentley and Aston Martin,…

16:03, 17.12.2019

President Iohannis: Budgets of intelligence services are not rich

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday stated that the budgets of intelligence services, as approved by the Supreme Council of Country Defence (CSAT), are not rich, as they were calculated to cover the usual expenses…

15:13, 05.12.2019

PM Orban: I'm a simple man, I can even say austere; at times I had no income

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, who published on Wednesday his wealth statement, stated on Thursday that he is a simple man, "even austere", and in the periods in which he had no income he did not request unemployment…

11:03, 05.12.2019

Expenses for household consumption up 5.3 pct, increasing GDP by 3.3 pct at 9 months

Expenses for the final consumption of the population's households increased by 5.3 pct in first nine months of this year, contributing to a 3.3 pct growth of the GDP, while the gross formation of fixed capital…

18:29, 27.11.2019

Central bank's Vasilescu: The most expensive credit in the European Union can be found in Romania

The most expensive credit in the European Union can be found in Romania because we have a low degree of intermediation, and the profit is made from the margins, stated, on Wednesday, Adrian Vasilescu, strategy…

17:45, 01.11.2019

Election allocations at roughly 150 ml euros, making it Romania's most expensive ballot so far

President of the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) Constantin-Florin Mituletu-Buica said on Friday that total allocations for this year's presidential election stand at roughly 150 million euros, making it the…

11:17, 04.10.2019

Household monthly income in Romania averages out at 4,764 lei in Q2 2019; expenses, 85pct of revenues

Total household monthly income in Romania in Q2 2019 averaged out at 4,764 lei, on total average expenses of 4,049 lei monthly per household, or 85pct of total income, show the data with the National Institute…

10:08, 16.09.2019

Non-resident tourists arriving in Romania spend on average 2,609,7 lei/person in H1 2019

The total number of non-residents accommodated in collective tourist accommodation establishments in H1 of 2019 stood at almost 1.21 million, while their expenses amounted to 3.15 billion lei, according to the…

22:36, 27.08.2019

Gov't approves opening of new Romanian-Serbian border checkpoint

The government on Tuesday approved the opening of a new Romanian-Serbian border checkpoint for passenger cars and transport vehicles, ferry and pedestrian crossing, between the Moldova Noua (Romania) and Golubac…

11:43, 06.08.2019

Under revision bill, gov't revenues to increase by 2.25 billion lei, expenses by 285.7 million lei

In its latest budget revision bill, the Ministry of Public Finance (MFP) projects an increase by 2.251 billion lei in the 2019 government revenues and by 285.7 million lei in the public expenses.  According to…

17:23, 11.06.2019

FinMin Teodorovici: Enough money in coffers for what we pledged to accomplish until year-end

Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici reiterated on Tuesday that there is enough money in the coffers until the end of the year for both investments and wage and pension expenditures, but that if a particular public…

13:14, 06.02.2019

Instant Factoring își schimbă CEO-ul și se extinde în Europa Centrală și de Est

Cristian Ionescu este numit CEO și Președinte al Instant Factoring Instant Factoring, prima companie românească de micro-factoring online, face schimbări strategice în structura organizațională a companiei, în…

15:27, 14.01.2019

December 2018 steepest price rises: Air transport, potatoes, vegetables and canned vegetables

Potatoes, other fresh and canned vegetables are the food items that saw the steepest price increase in December 2018 compared to the month before; airline fees also grew more expensive, the National Institute of…

16:03, 10.10.2018

Natural gas, postal services, potatoes and citrus fruits, major inflation drivers this September

Potatoes, fresh and canned vegetables, citrus fruit and other Mediterranean fruit are the food items that saw the steepest price increase in September compared to August, as well as to the end of 2017; gas and…

09:36, 17.05.2018

DefMin Fifor on Heroes Day: Modern Romania means the sacrifice of generations of heroes

Defence Minister Mihai Fifor sent a message on Thursday, May 17, Heroes Day, underlining that modern Romania was achieved through the sacrifice of generations of heroes who defended the nation's ideals at the expense…

18:12, 07.02.2018

BNR's Isarescu: Three-month ROBOR to follow today's augmentation, credits due to marginally go up, consequently

The three-month ROBOR Romanian Interbank Offer Rate, the one influencing the interest rate of loans granted in lei will follow, within a certain period of time the augmentation of Wednesday's key interest and loans…

14:53, 07.01.2016

Even the cold in one's flat is expensive in Romania

Even the lowest house temperatures are expensive in the capital city! Bucharesters have to pay huge heating bills although they are shivering in their apartments. Radu Opaina, the chairman of the Romanian Association…

09:27, 05.01.2016

Driver's licenses are more expensive for gypsies?

Gypsies seeking to illegally obtain a driver's license, by bribing the examiner, must pay more money than other Romanian citizens. This is the conclusion drawn from the tapped conversations attached to the case…

01:02, 05.01.2016

How to Write an Exploratory Article with Trial Papers

Need help with your fund application? Understand tips on formatting notification and things to include. There’s also a sample notification included in this report that you insert, can copy and adjust to your requirements.…

11:14, 06.09.2015

Wind and solar power are even more expensive than is commonly thought

Happy Sunday from Software Expand! In this week’s edition of Feedback Loop, we talk about the future of Windows Phone, whether it makes sense to build media centers discuss the preferences for metal vs. plastic…

10:20, 15.07.2015

Expensive big toys for rich big boys

Luxury cars are like a magnet for Romanians of substance. One brand of SUVs has reported a 15 percent hike in sales compared to the same period last year. Owning such a car implies, naturally, having an expensive…

12:45, 11.09.2014

Europa şi dependenţa sa energetică: condiţiile în care funcţionează şantajul energetic al Rusiei

Dependenţa Europei în raport cu Rusia s-a cristalizat cu deosebire în perioada crizei ruso-ucrainene din ianuarie 2009, atunci când ruşii au întrerupt total livrările de gaze la frontiera ucraineană. Îinând cont…

09:03, 07.05.2014

In atentia CFO: Expenses Tracking System - solutia pentru controlul cheltuielilor

"Toate companiile sunt diferite, insa toate companiile de succes au un lucru in comun: ele vor sa fie putin mai bune in fiecare zi." Imaginati-va urmatorul scenariu: ganditi-va la volumul de documente care intra…

10:48, 22.02.2014

Numărul fimelor care au intrat în insolvenţă în ianuarie a scăzut cu aproape 15%, până la 2.054. În Bucureşti au crescut cu 52%

În Bucureşti, Bihor şi Mureş au fost înregistrate cele mai multe insolvenţe în prima lună a anului, respectiv 360 (în creştere cu 52,5% faţă de 2013), 195 (cu 58,5% mai multe decât în prima lună a anului trecut)…