Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:00, 03.02.2024

Idea of merging European Parliament election with local elections could bring higher turnout(PNL's Ciuca)

The idea of merging the European Parliament election with the local ones is one that can bring a higher turnout, National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Nicolae Ciuca told private broadcaster Prima TV on Saturday when…

21:15, 01.02.2024

In address at special European Council meeting, Iohannis tackles support to Ukraine, farmers' situation

AGERPRES special correspondent Oana Ghita reports: Addressing on Thursday the special meeting of the European Council in Brussels, President Klaus Iohannis spoke about the support to Ukraine and the situation of…

16:50, 01.02.2024

Romania's forex reserves advance to EUR 61.416 bln at the end of January

As of end-January, the forex reserves of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) stood at 61.416 billion euros, up 2.7 pct up from 59.770 billion euros at the end of December 2023, the central bank announced in a release.Inflows…

10:50, 01.02.2024

Unemployment rate keeps at 5.4pct in December 2023

The unemployment rate in December 2023 was 5.4%, seasonally adjusted, a value equal to that recorded in the previous month, according to data the National Institute of Statistics (INS) published on Thursday.The…

10:20, 01.02.2024

Residential building permits in Romania, down 5.2pct in December 2023 (statistics)

The number of residential building permits in Romania decreased by 5.2% in December 2023 y-o-y, according to data published on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).According to the official statistics,…

13:25, 30.01.2024

President Iohannis to attend extraordinary European summit

President Klaus Iohannis will be in Brussels, Belgium, on Wednesday and Thursday to attend a memorial ceremony organised by the European Commission in memory of Jacques Delors and an extraordinary European summit,…

09:30, 30.01.2024

Artmark to auction Corporate Collection of Contemporary Art

A total of 181 works of art, from a selection that brings together three generations of artists, are part of the Auction of a Corporate Collection of Contemporary Art scheduled for Tuesday at 19,00, Artmark informs."This…

15:30, 29.01.2024

Romania's registered unemployment rate down to 2.93 pct as of end-December 2023

Romania's registered unemployment rate as of end-December 2023 was 2.93 percent, 0.12 percentage points down year-over-year, the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) said in a release.The jobless total as of the…

13:25, 29.01.2024

CFA Society Romania's Macroeconomic Confidence Index advances 9pts in Dec 2023

CFA Society Romania's Macroeconomic Confidence Index increased in December 2023 by 9 points, to 56.6 points.According to a CFA Romania press statement released on Monday, the advance was due to an increase in both…

13:35, 25.01.2024

Steps for full integration of Romania in Schengen will continue this year, says minister Predoiu

Steps for full integration of Romania in Schengen will continue this year, says minister PredoiuThe steps for Romania's full integration into the Schengen area will continue this year, the key to success being…

10:10, 23.01.2024

Scheduled events for January 23

Scheduled events for January 23PRESIDENCY: - Annual meeting with the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Romania, with a speech by president Klaus Iohannis DIPLOMACY: - Foreign Affairs minister Luminita…

15:51, 19.01.2024

Romania has second largest inflation in Europe, in December (USR's Drula)

The chairman of Save Romania Union (USR) Catalin Drula draws attention to the fact that in December 2023 Romania had the second highest inflation rate in Europe.He mentions that inflation is "a hidden tax" that…

12:15, 18.01.2024

Senior politicians urge Ursula von der Leyen to probe Serbian election

More than 20 senior European foreign affairs politicians have called on EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to investigate allegations of fraud in December’s election in Serbia, according to Politico.…

10:10, 12.01.2024

Scheduled events for Jan 12, 2024

Scheduled events for Jan 12, 2024POLITICS: - Event to support the State of Israel, organized by the Embassy of Israel in Bucharest; messages sent by the Bucharest general mayor and Israeli ambassador ECONOMY: -…

12:25, 10.01.2024

Euro zone economy may continue to struggle, says Guindos

The euro zone economy may have experienced a downturn at the end of last year and will probably continue to struggle, according to European Central Bank Vice President Luis de Guindos, according to Bloomberg. “Soft…

21:30, 09.01.2024

Momentul în care prezentatoarea unui post tv mexican leșină în direct: „Lipsă de calciu”

Reporter și prezentator, Pamela Villanueva a suferit un episod  de leșin în timpul știrilor de la postul mexican TeleDiario din Monterrey, relatează pe Blick. Potrivit portalului Expreso, incidentul s-a petrecut…

20:55, 08.01.2024

Immigration Inspectorate says Romanian labour market is free to bring in 100,000 immigrants

A contingent of 100,000 workers from other countries are allowed to work on the labour market in Romania in 2024, according to Government Decision no. 1,338 of December 29, 2023, informs the General Inspectorate…

17:30, 08.01.2024

Costin Iordache, new interim general director of TAROM

Costin Iordache will be the new interim general director of TAROM as of January 9, 2024, the company informed on Monday.He will replace Bogdan Popescu, who resigned at the end of December 2023, agerpres reports.…

15:10, 04.01.2024

Sri Lankan citizen, caught 33 years after killing a foreign citizen in Bucharest

A 52-year-old Sri Lankan citizen was detected in the town of Moers, Germany, following the exchange of information carried out by the SIRENE Bureau of the International Police Cooperation Center - IGPR, with the…

15:55, 03.01.2024

Culture & media trade union federation challenges lopsided pay regulations for museum specialists

The National Federation of Culture and Media Trade Unions 'CulturMedia', an affiliate to the 'Cartel Alfa' National Trade Union Confederation, protests against certain provisions of the Government's Emergency Ordinance…

14:20, 03.01.2024

256 COVID-19 patients admitted to hospitals, 25 deaths in the week December 25 - 31

As many as 256 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in health units, and 27 patients are admitted to ICUs, informs the Ministry of Health.Of the total number of patients admitted, 25 are minors, 24 of them in…

13:50, 03.01.2024

BET index of BVB increased by 32.3pct, investors are gearing up for a year full of risks (study)

The BET index of the Bucharest Stock Exchange increased by 32.3% in 2023, with investors knowing "that they must prepare for a year full of unknowns, paved with numerous risks" in 2024, shows an XTB Romania analysis."Much…

12:45, 03.01.2024

New car registrations in Romania increase almost 10pct in 2023

The number of new car registrations in Romania increased 9.63% in 2023 compared to the previous year, to 141,788 units, according to data the Automobile Manufacturers' Association of Romania (ACAROM) released on…

10:10, 03.01.2024

Ferma Dacilor fire/ Management breaks the law in trying to appear aligned with law

The measures that the Ferma Dacilor accommodation unit took in order 'to go legit' were actually against the law, the Prosecutor's Office attached to the Prahova Court informed on Tuesday, while informing at the…

17:46, 02.01.2024

Nou-născut răpit din spital de o femeie deghizată în asistentă, care i-a spus mamei că-l duce la tratament, apoi l-a vândut unui cuplu, în Salvador

Un bebeluș abia născut a fost răpit chiar din brațele mamei sale, într-un spital din Salvador, sâmbătă, 30 decembrie. Copilul a fost găsit de polițiști după mai multe ore de căutări, iar cuplul care-l avea a fost…

09:35, 02.01.2024

Actrița mexicană Ana Ofelia Murguía, vocea personajului Coco de la Disney, a murit la vârsta de 90 de ani

Ana Ofelia Murguía, actriţa mexicană care fost vocea personajului titular din filmul „Coco", produs de Disney şi Pixar și distins cu două premii Oscar, a murit la vârsta de 90 de ani, a informat The Guardian.Moartea…

21:55, 01.01.2024

Soldații israelieni, suprinși de camere când lovesc și calcă în picioare un muncitor palestinian de la o benzinărie din Cisiordania ocupată | VIDEO

Imagini video cu soldați din cadrul Forțelor de Apărare ale Israelului (IDF) suprinși când lovesc cu piciorul și călcă un lucrător palestinian de la o benzinărie din apropiere de Hebron, un oraș din sudul Cisiordaniei…

12:41, 01.01.2024

(VIDEO) Revelionul lui Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic și echipa Serbiei au celebrat trecerea în noul an chiar pe terenul de tenis, alături de fani. Serbia a câștigat duelul contra Chinei, din United Cup, la Perth, cu puțin înainte de miezul nopții,…

08:25, 01.01.2024

„Câmp de luptă”. Peste 300 de arestări și cel puțin 15 polițiști răniți, în incidentele de Revelion de la Berlin și Leipzig

Cel puțin 15 ofițeri de poliție au fost răniți în atacuri cu artificii în Berlin și aproximativ 300 de persoane au fost arestate, cele mai multe pentru încălcarea șegii privind explozivii, a relatat Bild, care…

08:00, 01.01.2024

LIVETEXT Război în Ucraina, ziua 677. Cel puțin un mort și 9 răniți, după ce rușii au atacat Odesa cu drone, în noaptea de Anul Nou

Kievul anunță cu atacurile rusești au continuat și în noapte de Anul Nou. Odesa, orașul-port la Marea Neagră, și Lvov au fost lovite de drone rusești Shahed, transmit administrațiile ucrainene regionale.07:3901-01-2024Bloc…