Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:26, 12.02.2024

Over 80 million euros from EC for TAROM, for the company's sound transformation

The TAROM national flight operator will receive an aid of over 80 million euros from the European Commission, the signals in this regard being positive, the Minister of Transport, Sorin Grindeanu, declared on Monday…

18:20, 21.09.2023

Official Chiritoiu: Good laws are pointless if disregarded

Official Chiritoiu: Good laws are pointless if disregardedThere is unfair competition in Romania and those who respect the rules find it difficult to compete with those who do not respect the rules, that's why…

12:00, 07.08.2023

Average prices of basic foods in major commercial chains have fallen by as much as 34%

The average prices of basic foods in large commercial chains fell by up to 34%, in the context of the application of the provisions of the ordinance regarding the capping of commercial additions, the biggest reductions…

20:40, 20.05.2023

Chiritoiu: rate cap on RCA policies after Euroins left market was a good thing

The rate cap on Civil Auto Liability (RCA) policies after the exit of Euroins from the market was a good thing, precisely to keep things calmer, to overcome the panic of both consumers and insurers, and we must…

17:30, 08.12.2022

Investors from all economic sectors to be able to interact with state through one-stop office

The state authorities want to continue the reform regarding debureaucratization by extending the single industrial license to all economic sectors, Bogdan Chiritoiu, the president of the Competition Council, told…

18:15, 01.11.2022

Competition Council conducts surprise control into several banks

Competition Council inspectors have conducted a surprise control into the activity of several banks, as part of an investigation into the method of establishing the ROBOR index, sources close to the situation told…

20:26, 19.10.2022

Chiritoiu: Investors who want to build factory will have single point of contact with authorities

The Government approved on Wednesday an emergency ordinance for the creation of the single industrial license, a project initiated by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism and the Competition Council, announced…

12:10, 19.09.2022

Price of gas has increased by 20 pct, price of diesel fuel by 37 pct (Competition Council)

The price of gas has increased by 20% since the beginning of the year, and that of diesel fuel by 37%, including the reduction of 50 bani (0.5 RON) per liter at the pump, according to the data provided by the Competition…

10:55, 08.09.2022

Railway transport trade unions protesting in front of several institutions in Bucharest

The Federation of Railway Transporters Unions in Romania (FSTFR), the Trade Unions from CFR Hospitals (USS CFR) and the Union of Military Cadres Released from Duty (SCMD) are protesting on Thursday in front of…

18:10, 14.06.2022

Price gouging law to define excessive pricing

Romania's price gouging legislation will have clear provisions defining excessive pricing, Chairman of the Trade Competition Council Bogdan Chiritoiu told a conference on Tuesday on trade competition challenges…

12:20, 10.03.2022

PM Ciuca announces price gouging controls at all oil companies in Romania

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced on Thursday controls at all oil companies operating in Romania, as the National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF), the Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) and the Competition…

12:20, 08.03.2022

Fuels' prices in Romania exceed 8 RON/litre

The price of fuels in Romania has exceeded these days the threshold of 8 RON per litre, shows the data analyzed by AGERPRES based on the Fuel Prices Monitor, an application launched by the Competition Council.…

11:35, 21.02.2022

Authorized transporters request Parliament to revoke chairman of Competition Council

The Confederation of Authorized Operators and Hauliers of Romania (COTAR) is requesting Parliament to revoke the chairman of the Competition Council (CC), highlighting that the institution has not launched any…

16:55, 15.02.2022

AFV Beltrame Group to invest EUR 300 ml in building reinforced concrete and wire plant in Targoviste

The producer of bars from steel and special steel in Europe, AFV Beltrame Group, will start this year, in southern Targoviste, the construction of a new eco-smart factory for the production of steel in concrete…

17:36, 25.01.2022

Chiritoiu: Let's not go back to that stupid system in which we subsidize all consumers, pretend energy is cheap

Support measures for energy consumers should be aimed only at the vulnerable ones, and not return to that stupid system when everyone was supported and we pretended that energy was cheap, the Competition Council's…

13:11, 12.01.2022

Parakletos Association advises consumers to challenge excessive energy bills, not wait for state's intervention

Consumers who consider that they are charged too much for gas and electricity should challenge the bills at the National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC), the Competition Council or in court and shouldn't wait…

17:20, 04.10.2021

Chiritoiu: European Commission to announce on Tuesday recommendations to support energy consumers

The European Commission will announce on Tuesday the recommendations for measures that member countries can take to reduce the impact of rising energy and gas prices on the population, Bogdan Chiritoiu, president…

17:20, 31.08.2021

Energy Minister: Gov't to partially offset electricity bill for average income or average consumption households

The governmentwill offset a portion of the electricity bills for average income or average consumption households, starting with November 1, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu said on Tuesday after attending the meeting…

19:30, 30.08.2021

PM Citu to have talks with relevant authorities regarding energy prices

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced on Monday that he will have meetings with representatives of ANRE (National Energy Regulation Authority), ANPC (National Authority for Consumer Protection), Competition Council,…

16:26, 30.08.2021

A freight train crosses country, East-West, from Constanta to Curtici, in 7-12 days

The average speed of freight trains in Romania is of 16 km / h, and the transit between Constanta (southeast) and Curtici (west) takes between 7 and 12 days, based on the quantity transported, reveal the conclusions…

16:10, 19.08.2021

PM Citu says next week will resume talks on energy, gas prices' increase

Prime Minister Florin Citu says that next week he will resume the discussions with the officials in the field on the topic of the energy and gas prices' increase in order to quickly identify the best solutions…

13:45, 19.08.2021

Energy Minister: Vulnerable consumers will receive aid to pay their invoices

Vulnerable consumers will receive aid starting this autumn to pay for their energy and gas invoices, if law allowing the allocation of these aids is approved by Parliament in September, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu…

13:21, 19.08.2021

PM Citu: I want to get sure that we meet in Romania all conditions for competitive energy market

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Thursday said he will tell representatives of the energy market that he wants to understand what was happening with the rising prices and also wants to get sure that the conditions…

13:20, 16.08.2021

Competition Council authorises Wendel group's takeover of Propak Ambalaj Uretim ve Pazarlama

Romania's Competition Council has authorised a transaction whereby the Wendel Group, through Constantia Flexibles International GmbH, takes over Propak Ambalaj Uretim ve Pazarlama AS, Turkey. Wendel is an investment…

12:30, 15.07.2021

Competition Council's Chiritoiu: Don't believe gov't approach to make money from 5G auction is best

The government wants to make money from the 5G auction and I don't believe it's the best approach, because it would be important to have good services at affordable prices, the president of the Competition Council,…

12:50, 19.05.2021

Chiritoiu: I am amazed by courage of Transport Ministry public servants allotting subsidies without checking them

The public servants with the Transport Ministry are very courageous to allot from public funds subsidies for the rail transport of people, on their own responsibility, without an electronic system in place to check…

13:25, 27.04.2021

State-aid scheme for independent cultural entities awaiting european commission's approval

Bucharest General Mayor Nicusor Dan announced on Tuesday that the city has taken another step toward providing three million lei in aid to independent cultural entities, pending the approval of the scheme by the…

13:05, 25.01.2021

Competition Council head: Joint efforts afoot to speed up listing of Hidroelectrica, other majority state-owned companies

The capacity to attract capital flows depends on supply, and in this respect we will all do our best to speed up the listing of Hidroelectrica and, possibly, of other companies where the state holds majority stakes,…

17:26, 05.01.2021

ANRE: Order allowing conclusion of retail contracts with current energy suppliers until March 31 not anti-competitive

The order of the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) allowing household consumers to conclude contracts on the competitive market until March 31 only with the current suppliers does not distort competition,…

22:05, 04.01.2021

Vista Bank acquires Credit Agricole Romania, BNR and Competition Council's clearance still needed

Vista Bank announced the conclusion of a deal to acquire a full 100 percent stake in Credit Agricole Romania; the acquisition is expected to be completed during the first half of this year, after it gets the approval…