Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:47, 24.01.2020

Libian, condamnat la 19 ani de închisoare în SUA. A comis atentatul de la Benghazi, în 2012

În acest atac - care a şocat America la 11 septembrie 2012 - a fost ucis ambasadorul american John Christopher Stevens, un funcţionar de la Departamentul de stat american şi doi membri ai Agenţiei Centrale americane…

18:28, 14.01.2020

FinMin Citu: The change of governance has brought Romania back to the investors' attention

Romania has changed direction and the investments are no longer penalised or overtaxed, and the change of the Government has brought our country back to the investors' attention, Finance Minister Florin Citu said.…

19:24, 06.01.2020

PM Orban on US - Iran conflict: We don't want tensions to further escalate

Head of the Romanian Executive, Ludovic Orban, said on Monday that he is watching the US - Iran fallout with attention and concern and that he doesn't want tensions to escalate any further."We had no discussions,…

15:42, 04.12.2019

EduMin Anisie to make sure functional literacy receives proper attention

Romania's Education Minister Monica Anisie said on Wednesday that next week she would hold a working meeting on functional literacy."Next week I will hold a meeting with all those who want to actively participate…

19:34, 09.11.2019

PM Orban: I draw attention to all hospital managers to allow hospitalised citizens right to vote

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, at the Interior Ministry (MAI) headquarters on Saturday, launched a call on hospital managers to send mobile ballot box requests so that all hospitalised citizens be allowed to vote."I…

13:34, 14.09.2019

Încă o târgujiancă la Vocea României. A întors toate cele 5 scaune la Vocea Germaniei! Vezi câte scaune a întors în emisiunea din România

Elena Ancuța Stegaru s-a prezentat la Vocea Germaniei la câțiva ani după ce s-a mutat în Germania împreună cu soțul ei, Andrei Stegaru. Amândoi sunt muzicieni și au format acolo grupul d’AS Duo, un grup de Pop…

15:09, 27.08.2019

ForMin Manescu urges NATO, EU to increase attention to Black Sea security developments

At a meeting on Tuesday with Chairman of the Munich Security Conference Wolfgang Ischinger, Romania's Foreign Minister Ramona Manescu urged NATO and EU to increase their attention to security developments in the…

17:17, 30.07.2019

Iohannis: Ploiesti - Brasov motorway project, national interest strategic objective

President Klaus Iohannis announced that in the Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) meeting on Tuesday it was approved that the project of the Ploiesti - Brasov motorway be declared a national strategic…

18:23, 19.07.2019

Romania paying more attention to alternatives to detention

Romania's Justice Minister Ana Birchall attended an informal meeting of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA) in Helsinki, July 18-19, where she pointed out that over the recent years Romania has paid increased…

09:04, 21.05.2019

ForMin Melescanu: Romania to continue to give special attention to EU's southern proximity

Romania, as the state holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, included, will continue to give special attention to the southern proximity of the European Union and will advocate the…

20:03, 20.05.2019

President Iohannis: I draw the Government's attention not to sacrifice our economic future

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday sent a message to the participants in the "Innovation Labs 2019 - Demo Day" event, in which he drew the Government's attention "not to sacrifice the economic future" of Romania…

13:13, 29.04.2019

DefMin sends message on War Veterans Day: You always have our attention

Minister of National Defence, Gabriel Les, on Monday sent a message to the war veterans that they always have the attention of the authorities, which are seeking for solutions to help them. "For your courage and…

17:14, 31.01.2019

Stoltenberg says NATO is following with attention and concern the case of Canadians detained in China

The North Atlantic Alliance is following with attention and concern the case of the Canadians detained in China and expects them to be treated fairly and in accordance with legal procedures, NATO Secretary General…

20:03, 21.01.2019

At FAC meeting, ForMin Melescanu presents major themes in Romania's attention during its tenure of EU Presidency

Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu attended on Monday the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) in Brussels; the combat of disinformation, EU - League of Arab States cooperation and the relationship…

04:26, 13.12.2018

VIDEO Poliţia franceză a făcut public un portret al suspectului atacului de la Strasbourg

Poliţia franceză a făcut public un portret al suspectului care a atacat marţi seară mai multe persoane în centrul oraşului Strasbourg, ucigând doi oameni şi rănind alţi 12, şi a făcut un apel către…

12:52, 14.11.2018

CVM Report/ DNA says it treats with attention recommendations made by European Commission

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) is treating with attention the recommendations made by the European Commission in the Co-operation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report and expresses its hope that…

20:44, 25.10.2018

PM Dancila: 'Gov't pays maximum attention to strenghtening country defence capabilities'

The Government pays maximum attention to strengthening the country's defence capabilities, in making efforts to reach Romania's major objectives, both in terms of endowment and training of the troops, Prime Minister…

15:13, 11.10.2018

Iohanis România will continue to pay close attention to strengthening the EU-Korea Strategic Partnership

Romania will continue to pay close attention to strengthening the EU-Korea Strategic Partnership, President Klaus Iohannis told visiting Speaker of the National Assembly of Korea Moon Hee-sang, in Bucharest on…

18:07, 07.10.2018

#FamilyReferendum/ Pro Democratia draws attention on multiple vote risk through 'electoral tourism'

The Pro Democratia Association expresses its concern to the possibility that the multiple vote through the "electoral tourism" will influence the result of the referendum. "The statistics of the vote on the additional…

11:38, 02.10.2018

PM Dancila tells chief Brexit negotiator Barnier Romania pays special attention to Brexit

Romania is paying special attention to the UK leaving the European Union, or Brexit, considering the sizeable local Romanian community in the UK, Romania's Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said at a meeting with…

11:06, 14.09.2018

(P) Mercedes-Benz S Class și tehnologia Intelligent Drive

Noul Mercedes S Class este o limuzină ce se identifică cu sistemul ultramodern Intelligent Drive. Acesta este un sistem care asigură conducătorului auto asistență la accelerare, frânare și manevrare, generând siguranță…

09:38, 17.07.2018

Activiştii Pussy Riot, condamnaţi la 15 zile de nchisoare după ce au intrat pe teren la finala Cupei Mondiale

Attention! The court has just sentenced the first Pussy Riot member, Veronica Nikulshina, with 15 days of administrative arrest (will spend them in a special prison) and banned her from visiting sports events.…

16:55, 11.07.2018

Iohannis, at NATO Summit: Attention we want to grant Black Sea, important for us

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday in Brussels that the attention granted to the Black Sea area is very important for Romania, specifying that our country might gain an enhanced NATO presence in this…

10:48, 04.07.2018

ICCJ referral concerning amendments for enforcing sentence; Wednesday, in CCR's attention

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) discusses on Wednesday the referral of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) concerning amendments brought to the Law about enforcing sentences and measures involving…

14:59, 24.05.2018

Iohannis: After drawing Gov't's attention, reimbursement requests of over 400 mln euro, submitted

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that after he warned the Government about the absorption of European funds, reimbursement requests of more than 400 million euro were submitted.  "A few days ago, I made…

11:27, 17.05.2018

President Iohannis: If things go wrong, I warm; I cannot wait for catastrophe to befall us

President Klaus Iohannis said Thursday that if he notices that "things go wrong" in Romania, his duty is to draw attention, saying that he cannot wait for "catastrophe to befall us."  "Watching is not a passive…

16:26, 03.04.2018

Sesiunea Ştiinţifică Studenţească "COMMUNICATING ACROSS CULTURES"AFASTUD 2018.

În perioada 29-31 Martie 2018, în cadrul Academiei Forţelor Aeriene "Henri Coanda", s-a desfăşurat a 20-a ediţie a Sesiunii Ştiinţifice Studenţeşti "COMMUNICATING ACROSS CULTURES"AFASTUD 2018. Conferinţa a fost…

14:54, 29.03.2018

DefMin Fifor:Romania paying close attention to Black Sea developments, wants subject on NATO Summit agenda

Minister of National Defence Mihai Fifor, speaking on Thursday on the occasion of a visit to the 4th "Gemina" Infantry Division, said that Romania is paying close attention to developments in the Black Sea region…

10:16, 26.01.2018

Iohannis: Future gov't mustn't endanger fiscal sustainability; I'll ask for consultations

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday said that he will draw the attention of the future government not to endanger the fiscal sustainability through "imprudent policies and hazardous measures" and announced that…

17:13, 03.01.2018

Budget Law promulgated by President Iohannis who draws attention upon certain vulnerabilities

The 2018 state budget law and state social security budget law were on Wednesday promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis, who drew attention upon certain vulnerabilities.  "President Klaus Iohannis draws attention…