Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:24, 19.02.2019

Oradea contează tot mai mult pe harta IT

Municipiul de pe Crişul Repede începe să conteze tot mai mult pe harta industriei de IT. Asta este una dintre explicaţiile pentru care Microsoft a ales Oradea pentru desfăşurarea primului eveniment din seria „Work…

17:39, 11.02.2019

BNR Governor Isarescu: BNR's main objective in 2018 was achieved; we had fair, well-balanced policy

The main objective of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), namely the stability of prices was achieved in 2018, BNR Governor Mugur Isarescu stated on Monday, when presenting the Quarterly Report on Inflation, adding…

16:52, 01.02.2019

Federica Mogherini: Goals achieved through Eastern Partnership would have seemed impossible in my mandate beginning

The goals achieved within the Eastern Partnership (EaP), as well as the commercial and association agreements with Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia and the visa liberalisation would have seemed impossible…

19:06, 21.01.2019

PNL's Orban, on JusMin Toader's OUG: 'PSD-ALDE, trying all subterfuges to achieve amensty and pardon'

The Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule, ed.n.) and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE, minor at rule, ed.n.) do not have the courage to issue a normative act on amnesty and pardon and are therefore…

12:43, 11.12.2018

Toma George Maiorescu a fost aniversat in SUA

Seara a fost deschisă de Daniela Istrate, preşedintele Uniunii şi Ligii Societăţilor Române din SUA, care a organizat această sărbătoare cu mult entuziasm. Consulul General al României în Los Angeles, Cosmin Dumitrescu,…

20:27, 30.11.2018

#GreaterUnionCentennial/Iohannis: The great achievements are possible if we stay united

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that the nation's great victories are possible if the Romanians stay united and not divided."The great victories of the nation are possible if we are united, not divided,…

10:00, 07.11.2018

Aprinde o stea la Timisoara pentru copiii care renunta la scoala din cauza… saraciei

Se vor aprinde „stele” pentru copiii nevăzuți, care renunță la școală din cauza sărăciei joi, în 15 noiembrie, începând cu ora 18, în fața Bisericii „Sfânta Ecaterina” din Timișoara, str. Bolyai Janos (Pietrosu)…

13:04, 06.11.2018

AmCham Romania: Achieving investment plan, not priority this year either

Achieving the investment plan is not a priority this year either, according to the budget execution for the first 9 months, and a sustainable, long term economic growth cannot be accomplished without a real commitment…

17:15, 10.10.2018

Henri Coanda Intl Airport gets level 3 accreditation for CO2 emissions

The Henri Coanda Bucharest International Airport (AIHCB) has achieved International Airport Council (ACI) Level 3 Optimisation of Airport Carbon Accreditation, the Bucharest National Airport Corporation (CNAB)…

11:38, 18.09.2018

Iohannis: In the century after Greater Union, Romania has proved economic, social, cultural viability

Romania has demonstrated its economic, social and cultural viability in the century after its Greater Union, President Klaus Iohannis says in a message to the participants in the international conference "Romania…

19:16, 17.09.2018

Tania Berg-Rafaeli (Israel's Embassy): Gender mainstreaming, means to achieve gender equality

The strategy named "gender mainstreaming" is a means to achieve gender equality, "not a purpose in itself, but rather a policy, a strategy, an approach", the Deputy Chief of Israel's Mission in Bucharest, Tania…

16:03, 12.07.2018

Iohannis, at NATO: Two important things achieved: operational command centre and improvement of multinational brigade

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Thursday that Romania has achieved two very important things at NATO's Summit in Brussels, namely an operational command centre and the improvement of the multinational brigade's…

17:54, 24.05.2018

President Iohannis visits Dacia-Renault plant: A great achievement of the Romanian industry, celebrating 50 yrs

The Dacia Renault car plant is a great achievement of the Romanian industry celebrating 50 years of existence this year, President Klaus Iohannis stated on Thursday, on the occasion of his visit to Arges County.…

13:24, 08.03.2018

Deputy PM Birchall: Important steps were made to achieve equality of opportunity in Romania

Deputy PM for implementation of Romania's strategic partnerships Ana Birchall says important steps were made in Romania to achieve equality of opportunity. "Of course, there is always room for improvement, but…

08:45, 12.01.2018

Halo 5: Guardians gratuit de jucat în acest weekend

Cei care nu știu cu ce se mănâncă sau vor să cumpere Halo 5: Guardians îl pot încerca gratuit în acest weekend, cu condiția să fie abonați Xbox LIVE Gold, aflăm de la Microsoft și 343 Industries. Veți putea testa…

09:31, 10.01.2018

Cel mai nou update pentru Xbox One aduce opțiunea de “do not disturb”

Microsoft aduce, printr-un update, opțiunea ‘do not disturb’ pentru Xbox One. Opțiunea poate fi folosită atunci când vrei să joci online fără să fii bătut la cap de mesaje, invitații sau alte notificări. …

19:11, 19.12.2017

Noi piese Led Zeppelin, lansate în 2018, la a 50-a aniversare a trupei

Într-un interviu acordat Academy of Achievement, Page a precizat ca odata cu aniversarea formatiei britanice vor fi lansate piese care nu au mai fost auzite pâna în prezent. „Un nou produs Led Zeppelin va iesi…

11:55, 19.12.2017

Commissioner Cretu: Over 60pct of Romania's public investments achieved through EU funds

More than 60pct of the public investments in Romania are achieved through European funds, on Monday said the European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu at the "Structural Funds Gala" event.  "It is…

15:57, 17.11.2017

PSD document: Romania's economic growth is 7pct, as against 5.5-pct promised growth

Romania's economic growth is 7 percent as against a promised growth of 5.5 percent, reads a document that mentions the latest developments in the Social Democratic Party (PSD) achieving its electoral promises 10…

16:39, 16.11.2017

Transylvania Insurance Broker, net profit down over 22 pct, in nine months

Transylvania Insurance Broker achieved a net profit of over 2.36 million lei, in the first nine months of this year, down 22.43 pct as compared to the similar period in 2016, informs a report released on the website…

20:40, 13.10.2017

PM Tudose: I'm politically appointed, I'll go under political decision or when I cannot achieve gov't programme

Prime Minister Mihai Tudose said Friday that he is politically appointed to office and he will leave office under a political decision or he will resign when he thinks he cannot carry out the government programme.…

23:44, 18.07.2017

Iohannis: Marasti Battle shows nothing can stand in the way of achieving important national projects

President Klaus Iohannis said Tuesday that the Battle of Marasti shows that nothing can stand in the way of achieving the important projects of the nation, adding that Romania sees the European design as the guarantor…

21:27, 20.06.2017

Un business profitabil, gestionat din fata computerului

Printre cele mai dezirabile afaceri vehiculate in cercurile antreprenorilor din Romania sunt cele desfasurate pe platforma Amazon. Comertul online ia tot mai mult locul celui traditional si permite obtinerea unor…

14:53, 28.04.2017

Andrus Ansip: Achieving digital single market requires 415 bln euro a year

Achieving the digital single market is a goal in the European Union and the cost of this project amounts to 415 billion euro a year, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Single Market Andrus Ansip…

13:13, 01.04.2017

1 Aprilie dar nu prea: seria Bayonetta va veni pe PC

Este 1 aprilie, glumele (bune sau proaste) sunt pe toate gardurile, dar SEGA se pare că dorește să repete ceea ce a făcut Ubisoft cu Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, adică să anunțe în glumă un joc, iar mai apoi să ne…

14:08, 28.02.2017

Iohannis: Defence budget sets prerequisites in place for 2017 ambitious goals to be achieved

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that the allocation this year of 2 percent of GDP to the budget of the Ministry of Defence sets the prerequisites in place for the fulfillment of the goals Romania has committed…

09:04, 27.02.2017

Minecraft Pocket Edition disponibil pentru Windows 10 Mobile

În decembrie 2014 anunțam că Minecraft Pocket Edition este disponibil și pentru mobilele cu Windows, iar acum acesta poate fi jucat și pe Windows 10 Mobile. Upgrade-ul se poate face gratuit, iar odată cu el sunt…

13:54, 12.12.2016

Romanian-American official discussions on achieving full operational capacity of anti-missile shield

State Secretary for Strategic Affairs with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), Dan Neculaescu, had a meeting on Monday with the Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, Frank…

08:28, 22.11.2016

PROFEȚIA care explică triumful lui Trump face furori pe Internet

"Toate resentimentele americanilor mai puțin educați pe care le au față de față de absolvenții de facultăți, care le spun cum să se comporte, vor găsi o supapă de evacuare. Ceva se va rupe". Ceea ce ați citit mai…

15:52, 13.10.2016

Romanian weightlifter Sincraian disqualified, stipped of achievements

Romanian weightlifter Gabriel Sincraian has been stripped of his Rio 2016 Olympic bronze medal and all his achievements for violation of anti-doping regulations, the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF)…