Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:44, 09.03.2020

Ben Affleck și Ana de Armas, surprinși la masa împreună în Havana

Celebrul actor american Ben Affleck și actrița cubaneză Ana de Armas au fost surprinși plimbându-se împreună prin Havana. Cei doi au fost fotografiați în timp ce luau masa de prânz, alături de un angajat al unui…

22:08, 04.12.2019

Minister of Economy: We will take responsibility in Parliament for modification of GEO 114

The Government will take responsibility in Parliament for the modification of the GEO No. 114 in the next 2 - 3 weeks, so that, by the end of the year, it will cease its disastrous effects on the energy field,…

08:18, 09.08.2019

PM Dancila: We'll launch within the next weeks a Gov't platform for order and safety

An order and safety platform of the Government, as a central point of information and dialogue will be launched within the next weeks, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced on Thursday evening.  "We will launch…

17:12, 15.05.2019

PM Dancila calls Timmermans's letter inappropriate politicking

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Wednesday that it is inappropriate for the first Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans to send a new letter to Romania two weeks before the elections…

20:53, 14.05.2019

IntMin Dan: Police to receive in two weeks devices to identify psychotropic substances consumed by drivers

Minister of Internal Affairs Carmen Dan announced on Tuesday in Oradea that in about two weeks the police staff will be endowed with devices that can identify psychotropic substances consumed by drivers, according…

13:05, 28.01.2019

Romania's Simona Halep drops to WTA No. 3

Romania's tennis ace Simona Halep slid to the third position in the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) rankings released on Monday.Read also: Some 505,000 women were shareholders, associates in companies in Romania,…

10:16, 20.12.2018

DefMin Les: President's actions far exceed his mediator role

Minister of National Defence Gabriel Les said on Wednesday evening that President Klaus Iohannis' actions over the past few weeks exceeded his role as mediator.  "All these statements of the president in the public…

07:35, 11.12.2018

O familie din California nu a apucat să-și ia cainele din calea incendiilor. Ce a găsit printre ruine, când s-a întors / FOTO&VIDEO

Timp de o lună, Madison, un câine din rasa ciobănesc, și-a așteptat stăpânii în fața casei distruse de incendiile care au făcut prăpăd în statul american California. Patrupedul a fost găsit de o membri unei asociații…

15:56, 08.11.2018

FinMin Teodorovici says Presidential Administration didn't request money at second budget revision to be made in Nov.

The Presidential Administration didn't request any money at the second budget revision, Public Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici stated on Thursday, adding that, within two weeks tops, the Government will approve…

13:35, 06.10.2018

PSD's Dragnea: Next CExN will be in two weeks from now; ministers' assessment almost ready

Leader of the Social Democratic Party (Liviu Dragnea) on Saturday announced that the next National Executive Committee (CExN) of the party will take place in two weeks from now, or in three weeks from now, at the…

12:37, 10.09.2018

Speaker Dragnea: Offshore law, to be adopted in three weeks, regardless of pressures

Deputies Chamber Speaker Liviu Dragnea stated on Sunday evening that he had a tense discussion with the representatives of OMV and Exxon who have told him that only after seeing the final shape of the offshore…

10:47, 30.07.2018

Senate's Tariceanu: ALDE-PSD coalition, strong

Senate President and national leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE), minor at rule, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu deems as "fake news" the rumour that has been circulating for a few weeks, unspecified…

15:34, 26.06.2018

UDMR 's Kelemen Hunor: No reasons to suspend President Iohannis

Chair of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor said on Tuesday that there are no reasons to suspend President Iohannis from office.  "Has he broken the Constitution and the decision of…

13:09, 21.05.2018

Spot electricity price double from two weeks ago

The average spot electricity price on the OPCOM energy exchange hit on Monday 245 lei per MWh, twice as high as the 112 lei per MWh recorded two weeks ago, the exchange operator announced on its website.  At peak…

12:38, 21.05.2018

Simona Halep, leader in WTA and WTA Race rankings

Romanian Simona Halep is still leading in the world ranking of Women's Tennis Association (WTA), as released on Monday, but has also climbed to number one in the WTA Race hierarchy, for the Tournament of Champions. …

21:10, 12.03.2018

HealthMin Sorina Pintea says 10,000 doses of immunoblogulin will arrive to Romania in maximum two weeks

Minister of Health Sorina Pintea on Monday stated that in maximum two weeks 10,00 doses of immunoglobulin are expected to arrive in Romania. "Partially, the immunoglobulin problem is solved, for we activated the…

14:47, 26.12.2017

Police: Over 200 searches conducted in past two weeks to destructure criminal groups

The Romanian Police has conducted, in the past two weeks, over 200 searches to destructure organized crime groups, seizing or placing liens on drugs, money, IT equipment and other goods coming from criminal activity.…

00:53, 01.05.2017

VIDEO : "Toni Erdmann" a fost principalul laureat la Premiile filmului german

Comedia dulce-amăruie "Toni Erdmann" a fost vineri seară principala laureată a celei de a 67-a ediții a Premiilor filmului german, obținând nu mai puțin de șase recompense, relatează DPA. Filmul regizoarei Maren…

17:09, 16.02.2017

ROMANIA is proTESTING. The unseen story behind the largest protests over the past 25 years

Two weeks ago, an emergency decree that would have decriminalized several graft offences enraged people, who took to the streets. Thousands of Romanians in over 70 cities began to #resist for an idea. A new generation…

15:18, 03.01.2017

Gone missing two weeks ago, Sebastian Ghita skips again appearance unde court supervision

Former deputy Sebastian Ghita, who went missing two weeks ago, did not report on Tuesday to the Prahova Police County Inspectorate to sign the papers required by the supervised bail ordered against him; this is…

11:23, 03.11.2016

Unemployment rate dips to 5.9 pct in September

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 5.9 pct at the end of September, down 0.1 percentage points from the August rate of 6 pct, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) said on Thursday.The number of…

22:04, 23.10.2016

Health Minister Voiculescu: Vaccination law, available in coming weeks

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu has announced, on Sunday, in a show broadcast by private broadcaster Digi24, that the vaccination law will be available in the coming weeks, mentioning that the decision regarding…

12:08, 05.10.2016

VIDEO // Un film românesc, în TOP-ul celor mai bune filme ale secolului XXI

BBC a făcut un top 25 al celor mai bune filme din secolul XXI. Criticii din întreaga lume explică de ce aceste pelicule se află în top. Printre cei înscrişi pe lista onorantă, se numără şi românescul „4 Months,…

14:03, 24.05.2016

Romania's Mungiu wins best director ex-aequo award at Cannes 2016

Romanian director Cristian Mungiu was presented the Cannes 2016 prize for best director at a ceremony on Sunday. He shared the prize with French Olivier Assayas, who was awarded for his supernatural thriller "Personal…

22:28, 29.03.2016

România U21 a învins reprezentativa Țării Galilor, în preliminariile Campionatului European

Reprezentativa Under 21 a României a câștigat meciul disputat marți, la Mediaș, cu Țara Galilor, scor 2-1, în preliminariilor Campionatului European din Polonia. Golurile românilor au fost…

16:52, 11.03.2016

MaiSimplu platform: Some 3,000 proposals to simplify bureaucracy, in two weeks

Some 3,000 concrete proposals aimed at simplifying bureaucracy were recorded in the two weeks that have passed since the launch of the platform MaiSimplu.gov.ro, informs a Friday's release from Ministry for Public…

18:03, 11.02.2016

Festivalul de Film de la Berlin îşi deschide porţile. Lista completă a filmelor de la primul mare festival cinematografic din 2016

Cea de-a 66-a ediție a Berlinalei, primul mare festival cinematografic al anului, se deschide joi cu 23 de producții internaționale în selecția oficială, dintre care 19 premiere mondiale…

13:14, 11.02.2016

BERLINALA 2016 Festivalul de Film de la Berlin se deschide joi cu 23 de producții în selecția oficială

Cea de-a 66-a ediție a Berlinalei, primul mare festival cinematografic al anului, se deschide joi cu 23 de producții internaționale în selecția oficială, dintre care 19 premiere mondiale și două filme de debut,…

14:58, 03.02.2016

Love Story Festival, la Braşov

Cea de-a doua ediție a Love Story Festival se va desfășura în perioada 8 – 14 februarie, la Cinema One și Cinemateca Patria din Brașov. La Cinema One vor rula filme noi, iar la Cinemateca Patria cinefilii vor avea…

14:52, 03.02.2016

Love Store Festival, la Braşov

Cea de-a doua ediție a Love Story Festival se va desfășura în perioada 8 – 14 februarie, la Cinema One și Cinemateca Patria din Brașov. La Cinema One vor rula filme noi, iar la Cinemateca Patria cinefilii vor avea…