Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:40, 29.09.2020

The Prime Minister will today set out plans to transform the training and skills system

The Prime Minister will today set out plans to transform the training and skills system, making it fit for the 21st century economy, and helping the country build back better from coronavirus.Adults without an…

14:10, 29.09.2020

I s-a interzis să predea la grădiniță din cauza tatuajelor

Un educator francez cu tatuaje pe tot corpul afirmă că nu i se mai dă voie să predea la grădiniță după ce un părinte s-a plâns că înfățișarea sa îi sperie copilul, relatează USA Today. Sylvain Helaine, de 35 de…

12:40, 29.09.2020

"Cred că este dezgustător": Unui educator francez i s-a interzis să predea la grădiniță din cauza tatuajelor

Un educator francez cu tatuaje pe tot corpul afirmă că nu i se mai dă voie să predea la grădiniță după ce un părinte s-a plâns că înfățișarea sa îi sperie copilul, relatează USA Today.Sylvain…

17:05, 28.09.2020

Gwyneth Paltrow a pozat goală de ziua ei. Ce reacţie a avut fiica ei

Imaginea în care Gwyneth Paltrow apare complet dezbrăcată este însoţită de următorul mesaj: "Azi, în nimic altceva decât în costumul în care m-am născut", conform USA Today. FOTO: Instagram Gwyneth Paltrow Reacţii…

14:10, 28.09.2020

Aurescu at opening of UN Youth Summer School: Young people must make substantial contribution to public debates

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, participated on Monday in the opening of the 10th edition of the UN Youth Summer School on Diplomacy, organized by the UN Youth Association of Romania, in partnership…

22:05, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/ Ciolos: USR-PLUS - a new political force; we witness historic moment

For the Save Romania Union (USR) - the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS) Alliance it is a historic moment, Alliance co-chairman Dacian Ciolos said, after the exit polls results were announced. "You have…

21:50, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Nicusor Dan: Today is new Bucharest's birthday

Deputy Nicusor Dan, candidate to the Capital's General Mayor office, endorsed by the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Save Romania Union (USR) - the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS) alliance, said…

16:40, 27.09.2020

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Marcel Vela:'Today, you are the voice. We cannot expect the future to give sense to our hopes, but we must act in the…

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Marcel Vela, urged voters through a Facebook post to turn out to the polls on Sunday, adding that at this time there cannot be talk of "winning", but of "receiving the trust of…

16:10, 27.09.2020

The Minister of European Funds, Marcel Bolos, message for the voters:'We must invest in raising the living standards for each of us!'

The Minister of European Funds, Marcel Bolos, sent a message on Sunday to voters to go to the polling stations and vote for those who are good managers and know how to take advantage of the historic chance that…

12:30, 27.09.2020

Health Minister Nelu Tataru: I believe today is the day when we make a change

Minister of Health Nelu Tataru on Sunday voted for the change of the local administration and also for a change of mentality, saying that this is the when "we will put things back in order" in the Romanian society."I…

11:36, 27.09.2020

Ciolacu: Period of humiliation towards doctors, teachers, children, parents, grandparents ends today in Romania

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu voiced on Sunday, at the exit from the polls, the hope that "the period of humiliation towards doctors, teachers, children, parents and grandparents"…

11:36, 27.09.2020

Iohannis: It is very important to go to vote

President Klaus Iohannis said it was very important for citizens to go to the polls on Sunday and choose candidates who could do something for their communities."It is a very important day today - the day of voting…

15:20, 26.09.2020

Profi retailer provides vehicle for food transport to Zarnesti Reserve bears

Retailer Profi has donated to the Association Millions of Friends an ATV with a trailer, a vehicle that will facilitate the transport in the mountains of the two tons of food that more than 100 bears receive daily…

21:00, 24.09.2020

PSD's Cazanciuc: Orban gov't proves once again that he is incompoentent in relation to child allowances

The interim president of the Senate, the Social Democrat Robert Cazanciuc, claims that the Orban Government has proven, "once again", its "incompetence" and "dilettantism", in the context in which CCR (Constitutional…

15:51, 24.09.2020

PSD claims money used by PM to buy mayors was enough to double child allowances

PSD (Social Democratic Party) says Prime Minister Ludovic Orban "must urgently return to the budget the money he transferred to the PNL's electoral piggy-bank to buy mayors," for that money was enough to double…

09:05, 23.09.2020

Nicusor Dan: Average salary in Bucharest can reach 1,400 euro/month, after 4 years in office

The National Liberal Party (PNL) candidate for Bucharest City Hall, Nicusor Dan, said that the average salary in Bucharest can reach, in four years of office of an administration that works in the service of the…

18:10, 22.09.2020

USR: PSD's hypocrisy of today means either higher taxes or loans, deficit, inflation

The Save Romania Union (USR) claims that the budget revision adopted on Tuesday with "toxic changes" introduced by PSD-ALDE (Social Democratic Party) - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats throws Romania "into a…

18:05, 22.09.2020

Ciolacu: Today we did justice to 5 mln pensioners

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday that, through the vote given in Parliament, PSD "did justice" for 5 million pensioners, because pensions must be increased by 40%. "Today, we…

14:06, 22.09.2020

FinMin Citu: What PSD is doing today in Parliament is criminal, it blows up country

The Minister of Public Finance, Florin Citu, stated, on Tuesday, in eastern Piatra-Neamt that the intention of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) to modify the budget revisions, having as main purpose to increase…

18:25, 17.09.2020

Ce a pățit virusologul chinez care susținea are dovada faptului că noul coronavirus a fost creat într-un laborator din Wuhan

Li-Meng Yan, medicul care a răspândit, în doar câteva zile, teoria că noul coronavirus ar fi fost creat într-un laborator din Wuhan, iar apoi distribuit în întreaga lume, suportă acum consecințele spuselor ei. …

17:26, 17.09.2020

EconMin Popescu: Romania, important step to ensure it is first country to extract gas from Black Sea

By starting the works on the sub-marine pipeline within the Midia - MGD natural gas development project, Romania has taken an important step and makes sure that it will probably be the first country to extract…

16:15, 17.09.2020

Ministry of Education: Pupils from 300 schools to take online lessons

Three hundred educational units are conducting courses according to the third scenario, online, from home, 4,375 - to the 2nd scenario (mixed) and in 12,981 units there will be daily participation in classes -…

12:35, 17.09.2020

Opt indonezieni au refuzat să poarte măști de protecție. Drept pedeapsă, au fost puși să sape morminte pentru victimele COVID-19

Indonezia se confruntă cu o creștere accelerată a numărului de cazuri zilnice de COVID-19, iar conducătorii unei provincii au stabilit ca opt persoane, care au refuzat să respecte regulile impuse de autorități,…

19:21, 16.09.2020

President Iohannis on budget revision: If what PSD voted were applied, it would cost 6pct of GDP

If the vote on the budget revision were applied, this would "cost" over 6 pct of the Gross Domestic Product of Romania, President Klaus Iohannis told a press conference on Wednesday.He stated that he was "saddened"…

19:21, 16.09.2020

Local Elections2020/Orban: PSD has bankrupted Romania; generated expenditures of 6.3% of GDP through amendments to revision

Chairman of the National Party (PNL), Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, accuses PSD of "bankrupting Romania" by adopting certain amendments to the budget revision in the parliamentary committees that would generate…

19:05, 15.09.2020

​Trump spune că palestinienii se vor alătura "în cele din urmă" acordului de pace cu Israelul

Preşedintele american Donald Trump a declarat marţi că palestinienii se vor alătura în cele din urmă unui acord de pace cu Israelul, argumentând că susţinătorii lor politici şi financiari din Golf merg…

15:10, 15.09.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: We propose Standing Bureaus of Parliament to hold joint sitting to discuss budget revision

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said that the Social Democratic MPs will propose next Wednesday the Joint Standing Bureaus of Parliament to hold a joint plenary sitting in which to…

15:01, 15.09.2020

FOTO Brian Laudrup anunță victoria împotriva cancerului după o bătălie de 10 ani

După ce s-a luptat cu boala timp de 10 ani, fostul internaţional danez Brian Laudrup anunţat că s-a vindecat de cancer de limfom folicular, transmite News.ro.El a făcut anunţul într-un mesaj postat pe Instagram.De-a…

11:30, 15.09.2020

M5 metro line to open to public today, after 14:00hrs

The M5 Bucharest Metro line Raul Doamnei - Eroilor section, including Valea Ialomitei will become operational for the public today after 14:00hrs, according to a press statement released by Metrorex. The Raul Doamnei…

09:05, 15.09.2020

Ce ar putea prezenta Apple la evenimentul de marți seara

​Că 2020 este un an cu totul special se va vedea și la Apple care nu-și va mai ține tradiționalul eveniment din septembrie cu sala plină de oameni, ci totul se va petrece online. Mai mult, foarte posibil că nu…