Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:30, 23.05.2024

Royal Familys contribution to strengthening Romanias role in NATO and EU 2002-2023 exhibition displayed in Luxembourg

'Royal Family's contribution to strengthening Romania's role in NATO and EU 2002-2023 exhibition' displayed in Luxembourg

AGERPRES special correspondent Gina Stefan reports: The Custodian of the Romanian Crown, Her Majesty Margareta, and Prince Radu participated on Wednesday evening at the Scheiss Cultural Centre in Luxembourg in…

20:36, 16.04.2024

At meeting with US diplomat, DefMin Tilvar underscores need to strengthen NATO eastern frank presence

At meeting with US diplomat, DefMin Tilvar underscores need to strengthen NATO eastern frank presence

Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar on Tuesday had a meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien, highlighting the need to strengthen NATO's presence on the…

10:56, 08.03.2024

EnergMin Burduja:The state-aid scheme approved by the EC will strengthen Romanias status as regional energy leader

EnergMin Burduja:The state-aid scheme approved by the EC will strengthen Romania's status as regional energy leader

The European Commission (EC) approving the two-way contract for difference aid scheme will allow Romania to continue exporting energy and consolidate its status as a regional leader in the energy sector, Energy…

17:15, 01.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu, at Diplomatic Forum in Antalya, will talk about strengthening Black Sea international profile

ForMin Odobescu, at Diplomatic Forum in Antalya, will talk about strengthening Black Sea international profile

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, will participate, on Saturday, at the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya - ADF 2024, where she will talk about the importance of strengthening the profile of the Black…

19:55, 29.02.2024

PM Ciolacu's meeting with Patriarch Daniel, an opportunity to reaffirm importance of strengthening partnership with the Church

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu met on Thursday at the Patriarchate Palace with Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church and with the other members of Romania's Holy Synod. "I had the joy of meeting today…

12:40, 21.02.2024

EU strikes deal to strengthen air quality standards

The European Parliament and EU member states reached a deal late on Tuesday to strengthen air quality standards across the 27-nation European Union, they said in a statement, according to Reuters.  The new rules…

15:00, 07.02.2024

Iohannis to EP: When I ran for president in 2014, I promised to strengthen the rule of law

AGERPRES special correspondent to Strasbourg, France, Ionut Mares reports:President Klaus Iohannis told a plenary session of the European Parliament on Wednesday that he kept one of his promises from the 2014 presidential…

15:35, 23.01.2024

Iohannis: Hope Romania will be able to increase contribution to strengthen Schengen as member state

Romania will remain a "strong voice" in support of the adoption of new solutions to strengthen the internal security of the European Union, including by strengthening the space of free movement, said president…

14:20, 03.01.2024

100 million euro loan from World Bank to improve judicial services

Romania will receive a 100 million euro loan from the World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD) to improve judicial services, according to the agreement ratified by law on Wednesday…

13:05, 07.12.2023

Putin și prințul moștenitor saudit s-au salutat "ștrengărește"

Nimic nu poate împiedica dezvoltarea relațiilor de prietenie între Rusia și Arabia Saudită. Este ceea ce a declarat președintele rus Vladimir Putin în timpul discuțiilor cu prințul moștenitor saudit Mohammed bin…

20:45, 05.12.2023

Romanian PM emphasizes in Washington the role of U.S. Congress in strengthening bilateral strategic partnership

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu continued on Tuesday his working visit to the United States of America with a meeting with the representatives of the leadership of the House of Representatives' Armed Forces Committee,…

20:15, 23.11.2023

Traian Hristea, secretarul de stat MAE, prezent la seminarul organizat de Consiliul Europei dedicat protectiei refugiatilor ucraineni in Romania

Secretarul de stat pentru afaceri globale si strategii diplomatice Traian Hristea a participat joi, 23 noiembrie 2023, in sistem VTC, la deschiderea seminarului organizat de Consiliul Europei dedicat protectiei…

16:05, 18.11.2023

President Iohannis welcomed by Zanzibar counterpart to discuss strengthening education, tourism ties

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on Saturday was welcomed by his counterpart from Zanzibar to discuss strengthening bilateral relationships, including in the areas of education and tourism."In my conversation…

12:55, 27.10.2023

Povestea dovleacului de Halloween. Decorați casa cu dovleci în această perioadă?

Potrivit historia.ro, populara sărbătoare de Halloween are în spate o bogată tradiţie, adesea presărată cu poveşti fermecătoare pentru pasionaţii de mistere. Pentru populaţiile celtice de odinioară era un festival…

13:05, 20.10.2023

Russia's attacks on the Danube, not accidental, strengthening of NATO presence is welcome (PM)

Russia's attacks on the Ukrainian ports on the Danube "are not accidental", in the context in which more than half of the grain export from the neighbouring country transits Romania by sea, prime minister Marcel…

12:56, 03.10.2023

Ciolacu: Teaching of "The History of Jews. The Holocaust" in schools will contribute to strengthening resilient democracy

The teaching of the course "The History of Jews. The Holocaust" in schools will contribute to a better knowledge and understanding of the history, culture and traditions of the Romanian Jews and to preserving the…

13:55, 28.09.2023

PM Ciolacu: Major works on railway infrastructure in Port of Constanta, strengthening its strategic role

PM Ciolacu: Major works on railway infrastructure in Port of Constanta, strengthening its strategic roleThe Government will approve the start of the expropriation procedure in the case of the essential project…

12:30, 26.09.2023

DefMin Tilvar: The strong strategic partnership with Italy offers opportunities to strengthen defence co-operation

DefMin Tilvar: The strong strategic partnership with Italy offers opportunities to strengthen defence co-operationRomania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar on Monday met his Italian counterpart Guido Crosetto as…

08:25, 19.09.2023

President Iohannis in New York to attend General Assembly High-level Week 2023

President Klaus Iohannis will attend the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday and will deliver the national address in this format on Wednesday.On the sidelines of the event, the Romanian president…

15:50, 14.09.2023

Rep. of Moldova's goal, to build army at NATO standards (PM Recean)

Agerpres special correspondent Cristian Lupascu reports: The Republic of Moldova's goal is to build an army at NATO standards, Moldovan prime minister Dorin Recean said at the end of a meeting with NATO Deputy…

23:00, 11.09.2023

DefMin: We consider measures to strengthen monitoring, security of Romania's and, implicitly, NATO's airspace

The Minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, stated, on Monday, at a meeting with the head of the National Guard of the U.S. state of Alabama, that Romania is considering measures to strengthen the monitoring…

11:30, 07.09.2023

3SI/Business Forum/Potential of region, huge, infrastructure development major projects must be continued, president Iohannis says

The potential of the region is huge, president Klaus Iohannis declared, on Thursday, at the Business Forum of the Three Seas Initiative, adding that there is a need for major infrastructure development projects…

19:05, 06.09.2023

Defence Ministry: Additional measures to strengthen air space monitoring and security at borders

Defence Ministry: Additional measures to strengthen air space monitoring and security at bordersThe Ministry of National Defence (MApN) announced on Wednesday, after the visit of Minister Angel Tilvar to Ceatalchioi…

12:55, 15.08.2023

President Iohannis: We will continue our efforts to consolidate NATO structures on Romania's territory

President Iohannis: We will continue our efforts to consolidate NATO structures on Romania's territoryPresident Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that Romania's security has been strengthened and that efforts to consolidate…

23:35, 05.08.2023

Două compoziţii contemporane în premieră – una semnată de compozitorul român Mihnea Brumariu, şi cealaltă de norvegianul Stig Nordhagen se aud pe scenele…

Mâine începe în Norvegia turneul de muzică clasică care reprezintă o nouă etapă din cadrul proiectului RoWay-NorMania organizat de Asociaţia Florescu-Fernandez & Friends, în parteneriat cu Eikeset 4 med Strenger…

10:51, 31.07.2023

EU ready to strengthen maritime security cooperation with the Philippines

The European Union is ready to strengthen cooperation with the Philippines on maritime security, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Monday, as she stressed the importance of a free and open…

10:20, 12.07.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Romania has assumed role of responsible ally in strengthening regional security

Romania has assumed the role of a "responsible" ally in strengthening regional security, Defence Minister Angel Tilvar said on Tuesday, in the context of the informal meeting of defence ministers of the North Atlantic…

20:49, 29.06.2023

President Iohannis in Brussels: I will bring up the need to strengthen EU's disaster preparedness and response

President Iohannis in Brussels: I will bring up the need to strengthen EU's disaster preparedness and response. President Klaus Iohannis announced on Thursday that, together with nine other states, Romania submitted…

21:51, 26.05.2023

Cherecheș Cristian: Continuăm cu pietruire în FRATA (FOTO)

Primarul comunei Frata, Cherecheș Cristian, a anunțat în cursul zilei de astăzi că administrația locală continuă cu pietruirea comunei. Străzile vizate sunt: Ștrengari, Sub Biserici, Peste Tău ,Bostaniște. De asemenea,…

11:40, 18.05.2023

PM Ciuca: Security threats in Black Sea region call for strengthening of NATO's presence

Prime minister Nicolae Ciuca pleaded, on Thursday, at the Security Forum in the Black Sea and Balkans region, for the strengthening of NATO's presence in the area, considering the existing security threats."Freedom…