Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:25, 04.01.2022

Development minister: Absorption of European funds, still biggest challenge in 2022

The absorption of European funds remains the biggest challenge in 2022, while regional development, territorial harmonization and investments aimed at social and economic balance remain priorities of the Ministry…

22:55, 29.12.2021

The government supplemented the budget of the Ministry of Development to continue the projects financed by PNDL

The Government approved on Wednesday the increase in the budget of the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration with the amount of 100 million lei for the continuation of the projects financed by…

22:05, 29.12.2021

Ministry of Development provides support to local authorities for natural gas heating

The joint order for establishing the procedure for granting the subsidy to compensate the costs related to the acquisition of natural gas necessary for the production of thermal energy in a centralized system was…

17:35, 17.12.2021

PM asks local authorities to get involved in use of European funds; 2022 budget, also discussed

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca called for accountability and involvement of local authorities in the use of European funds, during the meetings he had on Friday with their representatives. Consultations were also…

22:00, 16.12.2021

Absorption target of European funds from Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Program has been reached

The absorption target set for this year, but also for 2022 within the Interreg VA Romania-Bulgaria Program, has been reached, as a result of the reimbursement, by the European Commission, of approximately 53.6…

16:06, 15.12.2021

MDLPA: Gov't approves more than 132 M lei for 61 theatres, operas and phillarmonics in 30 counties

The Government approved, on Wednesday, the allocation of 132,407,000.18 lei to 61 theatres, operas and philharmonics in 30 counties, through a new decision regarding the distribution of the amounts corresponding…

15:35, 25.11.2021

President Iohannis signs decree appointing Government

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Thursday the decree for the appointment of the Government led by Nicolae Ciuca, the Presidential Administration announced. The list of the Romanian Government is as follows: *…

15:35, 17.11.2021

Gov't approves 188 million lei for investment in Romanian Academy historic headquarters

At a sitting on Wednesday, the government passed technical and economic indicators for the refurbishment, consolidation, modernisation, extension and equipping of the historical headquarters of the Romanian Academy…

15:36, 27.10.2021

Viorel Dinu, counselor with Ministry of Development, detained for bribe taking

Viorel Dinu, examination-evaluation counselor with the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration - Control Corps Service, was detained, on Wednesday, by the prosecutors of the National Anticorruption…

18:00, 26.08.2021

Cseke Attila: We have approved the construction of 138 new nurseries in all counties

The Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration, Cseke Attila, approved on Thursday the construction of 138 new nurseries in all counties of the country, agerpres reports. "Today we approved the construction,…

17:10, 13.08.2021

County councils voices firm support for Anghel Saligny programme

The National Union of Romania's County Councils (UNCJR) has voiced firm support for the Anghel Saligny local investment governmental programme. "The UNCJR strongly supports the initiative of the National Liberal…

15:30, 13.08.2021

DevMin Cseke: Approximately 100 new nurseries will be built nationwide in a first stage

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Cseke Attila said on Friday in Târgu Jiu that in about two to three weeks's time construction on about 100 new nurseries will be approved nationwide under…

15:20, 12.08.2021

Almost 110 million lei allocated for healthcare, educational infrastructure, improved life quality

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Cseke Attila has signed 25 funding contracts worth a total of 109,983,910.67 lei under Operational Programme Regional Development (POR) 2014-2020, coordinated…

18:11, 11.08.2021

Cseke Attila: 'Anghel Saligny' programme to focus on water, sewage, natural gas connections, road infrastructure

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Cseke Attila declared on Wednesday that the national investment programme "Anghel Saligny" will focus only on the connection to the water and sewage system,…

17:40, 10.08.2021

DevMin Cseke: Coalition will discuss budget revision; we have many new investments and projects

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Cseke Attila said on Tuesday that the final solution to the national budget rectification for the ministry he leads will be found in the governing coalition,…

16:01, 10.08.2021

DevMin Cseke announces draft bill setting up 50-billion lei 'Anghel Saligny' National Investment Programme

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Cseke Attila told AGERPRES on Tuesday that a draft bill has been prepared at the ministry level, to be analyzed within the governing coalition, on the establishment…

13:00, 06.08.2021

DevMin Cseke: MDLPA uses up 84pct of budget; most of funds go to local communities

The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA) concludes H1 2021 having used up 84% of the total of 5.62 billion lei of approved credits for this period, with most of the funds being intended…

19:30, 16.07.2021

Over 134.5 million lei transferred for refunds for 213 PNDL I and II investment projects

The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA) has transferred 134,748,112.60 lei for reimbursements in 213 investment projects under stagestage one and stage two the National Local Development…

16:55, 08.07.2021

Minister Cseke Attila: First tranches for financing of new nursery construction program to be approved in August

The Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA), Cseke Attila, declared on Thursday, in Ramnicu Sarat, that the program for building child care centers will kick off during this summer, and…

13:40, 02.07.2021

PM Citu maintains values of investment projects to be updated, in order to cover price increases

Prime Minister Florin Citu gave assurances on Friday that the values of all ongoing investment projects will be adjusted in view of the price increases in construction materials or other components of the respective…

17:20, 07.06.2021

Minister Cseke Attila: No tensions in UDMR, Congress will analyse last two years, perspectives

The Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration, Cseke Attila, declared on Monday that there are no tensions within the UDMR (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania), and the Congress in September will…

11:10, 25.05.2021

Development Minister Attila signs 37 financing contracts worth over 196mln lei

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Cseke Attila signed 37 financing contracts, totaling 196,519,286.17 lei, through the Regional Operational Program (ROP) 2014-2020, coordinated by the relevant…

19:05, 09.04.2021

MDLPA: Payments of over 88mln lei for investments made through PNDL

The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA) transferred, on Friday, the amount of 88,689,138.95 lei, in order to settle the invoices for 206 investment objectives achieved through stages…

16:25, 09.04.2021

New examination regulations for construction experts, inspectors, up for public debate

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Cseke Attila said on Friday in Oradea that his ministry is considering changing the examination regulations for construction experts and verifiers, pointing…

10:55, 17.03.2021

Contracts of over 300 mln lei for educational infrastructure, quality of life and entrepreneurship

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Cseke Attila signed on Wednesday 36 new financing contracts through the Regional Operational Program (ROP) 2014 - 2020, in a total amount of over 300 million…

13:45, 26.02.2021

Budget of Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration clears Parliament Budget Committees

The joint parliamentary Budget-Finance Committees cleared today the 2021 budget of the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration (MDLPA) with 24 votes in favor and 17 abstentions, according to AGERPRES.…

09:30, 11.02.2021

Minister of Development, Cseke Attila: PNDL is no longer at politician's pen

The National Local Development Program (PNDL) "is no longer at the pen of a politician", declared on Wednesday evening, for the private TV broadcaster Digi24, the Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration,…

20:45, 08.02.2021

Senate: Financing contracts under PNDL extended by two years by adopting GEO 214/2020

The Senate approved on Monday in the plenary sitting, unanimously, (by 136 vote) the Government's Emergency Ordinance (GEO) 214/2020 by which the financing contracts for investment objectives of the National Local…

15:50, 05.02.2021

Ministry of Development: Contracts worth over 85 million lei for development of localities

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA) Cseke Attila signed contracts worth over 85 million lei for the development of localities, the education and training system and the promotion of…

22:20, 01.02.2021

Acquisition of 1,358 new ambulances with European funds, 1,122 vehicles already delivered

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration, Cseke Attila, signed today seven additional contracts worth a combined of approximately 559 million lei for the purchase of 1,358 medical vehicles under…