Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:43, 25.12.2018

Patriarch Daniel: 'Gold of good deeds - greatest offering to Christ Child'

The gold of good deeds epitomises the greatest offering brought to the Christ Child, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR), Daniel, affirmed in his Christmas sermon at the Holy Mass officiated at…

14:13, 24.11.2018

President Iohannis welcomes Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, BOR Patriarch Daniel

President Klaus Iohannis on Saturday welcomed Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople - New Rome, and Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) according to Agerpres "Your Beatitude,…

11:29, 06.10.2018

#FamilyReferendum / Patriarch Daniel: Participating in the vote is an honor, a right and a blessing

His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, stated on Saturday that participating in the vote is an honor, a right and a blessing. "Taking into account the purpose of this referendum, participating…

14:03, 08.04.2018

Orthodox Church's Patriarch Daniel: Holy Easter gives a meaning to our entire existence

The celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord gives a meaning to our entire existence, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) Daniel said in his word on the occasion of the Resurrection service at…

13:32, 24.01.2018

Te Deum in memory of the founders of Romanian Principalities Union at Patriarchal Cathedral

A Te Deum in memory of the founders of the Romanian Principalities Union was delivered on Wednesday at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest.  Ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza, metropolitans Nifon of Wallachia and Sofronie…

13:04, 01.01.2018

Patriarch Daniel: Should we never thank God, peoples for past gifts, our dignity goes feeble

Should we never thank God and the people for the gifts received in the past, interrupt communication in the present and our communion with God and our worthy predecessors, we get spiritually poorer and our dignity…

17:35, 25.12.2017

Patriarch Daniel, at Christmas Mass: Faith is worth more than all the gold in the world

Faith is worth more than all the gold in the world, because it stands for the human being's living tie with God, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR), Daniel preached in his Christmas sermon. "We…

13:52, 04.12.2017

Patriarch Daniel at meeting with Moscow's Patriarch Kirill: Church of Christ cannot be destroyed

The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR), Daniel met Sunday with Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and Entire Russia, an occasion for the BOR head to stress that "the Church of Christ cannot be destroyed,…

18:40, 02.12.2017

Patriarch Kirill welcomes BOR delegation at the Hall of the Throne of Christ the Saviour Cathedral

The delegation of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) led by Patriarch Daniel was welcomed on Saturday by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia, at the Hall of the Throne of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour…

18:21, 26.10.2017

Patriarch Kirill says he is happy to step on Romania's soil

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia arrived on Thursday in Bucharest, on a three-day visit, voicing joy at walking on Romania's soil and underlining the shared Christian Orthodox values of the Russian and…

16:14, 28.09.2017

Russian Patriarch Kirill to visit Romania to celebrate Saint Dimitrie the New

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has accepted Patriarch Daniel's invitation to come to Romania to celebrate Saint Dimitrie the New, October 26-28. "Patriarch Kirill said he was ready to accept the invitation…

20:09, 30.03.2017

Prince Charles, Patriarch Daniel discuss conservation of Romania's cultural, religious heritage

Prospects for cooperation between the Romanian Christian Orthodox Patriarchy, the Prince of Wales Foundation and the Pro Patrimonio Foundation to preserve and capitalise on Romania's cultural and religious heritage…

10:28, 03.05.2016

President Iohannis posts video message on Orthodox Easter

President Klaus Iohannis posted a video message on his Facebook page on Sunday, wishing happy Easter to Orthodox Christians. "The Resurrection of our Lord is the celebration of light an joy, bringing hope…

16:17, 27.04.2016

Holy Light from Jerusalem to be brought to Romania on Saturday

The Holy Light from Jerusalem will be brought to Romania on Saturday evening on a special flight, by a delegation of the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate. According to a release by the Patriarchate's Press Office…

11:09, 06.11.2015

Patriarch Daniel asck for forgiveness

The belated reaction of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the Collectiv Club tragedy has infuriated an entire nation. Protestors are outraged that the men of God did not join them to comfort those in pain. The people's…