Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

00:05, 19.05.2024

19 mai: 30 de ani de la moartea fostei prime-doamne a SUA Jacqueline Kennedy, soția președintelui John F. Kennedy VIDEO

Pe 19 mai 1535, exploratorul francez Jacques Cartier se întorcea în America de Nord. În 1962 Marilyn Monroe cântă celebrul „Happy Birthday, Mr President” în onoarea lui John F. Kennedy, iar la exact 32 de ani distanță…

14:46, 26.08.2022

Olguţa, complimentată de Mr. President la Intencity: „Nu ştiam că aveţi un primar aşa frumos“

La Bouche, Mr President şi East17 s-au declarat încântaţi să fie prezenţi la Intencity în cadrul unei întâlniri cu jurnaliştii cu câteva ore înainte de urca pe scena montată pe stadionul Oblemenco din Craiova.…

15:06, 20.06.2022

Boris Johnson a suferit luni o intervenție chirurgicală la un spital din Londra. Care este starea premierului

Premierul britanic Boris Johnson a suferit, luni, o intervenție chirurgicală de rutină pentru o problemă a sinusurilor, potrivit DailyMail. Acesta a plecat la spital în jurul 6 dimineața și s-a întors în jurul…

17:41, 18.06.2022

(VIDEO) N-o să credeți: Ce a făcut Boris Johnson la Kiev

Premierul britanic Boris Johnson a făcut vineri o a doua vizită surpriză la Kiev pentru a se întâlni cu președintele Ucrainei, Volodimir Zelenski. UPDATE Boris Johnson a vizitat echipamentul militar rusesc distrus,…

15:51, 14.09.2021

Festivalul Forever Hit, la care urmau să cânte Sandra, Alphaville, Dr Alban, amânat

Organizatorii festivalului Forever Hit au anuntat ca evenimentul care urma sa aiba loc pe 18 septembrie, la Arena Nationala, a fost amânat pentru 2022 din cauza situatiei epidemiologice. „Având în vedere evolutia…

11:20, 15.07.2021

Teo Trandafir, ambasador al celui mai mare festival muzical al anului-Forever Hit (18 septembrie) ”Sunt melodii ce scot la suprafață amintiri, stări din…

Teo Trandafir, vedeta reper pentru milioane de români, ambasador al celui mai mare festival muzical al anului de pe Arena Națională, Forever Hit (18 septembrie). Carismatică, veselă și activă, regina audiențelor…

16:26, 06.07.2021

ACCES GRATUIT la Festivalul Forever Hit pentru elevii ce au luat BAC-ul cu medii de 9 și 10. Pe 18 septembrie, Arena Națională devine Km 0 al distracției

Proaspeții absolvenți ai claselor a XII-a care au luat examenul de Capacitate și Bacalaureat cu medii de 9 și 10 vor avea acces gratuit la maratonul concertistic Forever Hit (Arena Națională).  Extra, sârguincioșii…

15:16, 19.05.2021

Social Democratic Party, Democractic Party of Moldova sign collaboration agreement

Leaders of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM) on Wednesday signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen the "good" relationship between the two parties. "We have signed…

12:11, 09.11.2020

Iohannis congratulates Biden saying Biden's tenure will certainly consolidate co-operation between Romania, US

On Monday, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis sent a congratulatory message to the President-elect of the United States of America, Joseph R. Biden, according to AGERPRES."Mr President-elect, it is my great honour…

10:39, 21.07.2020

PM Orban on President Iohannis saying Romania will benefit from higher amounts than ever before

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Tuesday stated, at the beginning of the Government meeting, that Romania will receive higher amounts than ever before from the European Union, of almost 80 billion euros. "The future…

21:17, 07.05.2020

UPDATE/PM Orban: Gov't will use Reserve Fund to buy tablets for pupils

The Government will use the Reserve Fund to purchase tablets destined to the pupils who don't have access to online classes and also for the necessary expenses to distribute masks to vulnerable persons, Prime Minister…

12:17, 15.04.2020

IntMin Vela says both PM Orban, President Iohannis agree on Easter light distribution

Interior Minister Marcel Vela said on Wednesday that President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Ludovic Orban were informed and acquiesced to the agreement between the Romanian Police and the Romanian Christian…

18:46, 05.10.2019

President Iohannis in Iasi; representatives of two associations asked him to further endorse the project of A8 motorway

Upon arriving on Saturday at the Agora Conference Center in Iasi, President Klaus Iohannis was welcomed by representatives of the "Moldavia wants Motorway" and "Together for A8" associations. Displaying a banner…

13:46, 01.10.2019

PM Dancila: He shouldn't use a tragedy as an electoral campaign theme

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Tuesday in Ploiesti that a tragedy shouldn't be used as an electoral campaign theme, referring to President Klaus Iohannis's statement, who requested the resignation of…

15:57, 21.09.2019

PM Dancila: We won't go to Parliament when President tells us to go

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Saturday stated that the Social Democrats will go to Parliament to ask for a vote of confidence for a Government reshuffle, but not when President Klaus Iohannis tells them to…

11:40, 19.09.2019

PM Dancila: President Iohannis reinterprets a CCR decision, as he pleases

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Thursday stated that President Klaus Iohannis "reinterprets as he pleases, considering his personal electoral interest," the Wednesday decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania…

17:25, 02.09.2019

Dancila: Gov't not blocked, we wait for President's answer on ALDE portfolios

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Monday that President Klaus Iohannis had told her that he would give her an answer "in a short time" about the proposals she made for the portfolios that were held by ALDE…

08:33, 19.08.2019

PM Dancila on President Iohannis's visit to the US: The discussion should be applied before

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila believes that President Klaus Iohannis should have "an applied discussion" with the Government and Parliament prior to his visit to the US and he should leave with "certain lines…

08:56, 23.07.2019

PSD's Firea: If I were to candidate for PSD, ALDE, Pro Romania, I would defeat Klaus Iohannis

Bucharest General Mayor Gabriela Firea said she was certain that, if she were to run in the next presidential elections supported by PSD (Social Democratic Party), ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats), Pro…

17:35, 11.07.2019

PM Dancila on GRECO report: These things must be clarified by magistrates; we should take the Netherlands as example

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, in relation to the topics signaled by the GRECO report, said that "these things must be clarified by the magistrates" and also that "justice needs to be done by those in the judicial…

18:35, 11.06.2019

President Iohannis signs decree appointing Ana Birchall as interim Deputy Prime Minister

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Tuesday the decree for appointing Minister of Justice Ana Birchall as interim Deputy Prime Minister for the implementation of Romania's strategic partnerships, informs the Presidential…

18:35, 05.06.2019

Radu Andrei Tudor, secrete din backstage-ul Diskoteka Festival: ,,Nimeni nu știa că…”. Surprize pentru ediția din 2020!

Puțini sunt cei care știu că nașterea celui mai mare festival dedicat muzicii anilor ’80-’90 este strâns legată de Radu Andrei Tudor, gazda Telejurnalului principal de la TVR1. Un fan al muzicii din acea perioadă,…

09:55, 17.05.2019

Lodge of Honour of Revolutionaries of December 1989 ask Iohannis not to use Revolution in electoral campaign

The Federation Lodge of Honour of the Revolutionaries of December 1989 on Thursday sent a letter to President Klaus Iohannis asking him not to use the "Romanian Revolution in the electoral campaign.""After we have…

12:22, 13.05.2019

Legendarul Gheorghe Hagi vine la Diskoteka Festival!

„Gheorghe Hagi a fost, este și va rămâne cel mai bun fotbalist român din istorie, iar pentru noi este o onoare că vine la Diskoteka Festival 2019”, ne transmit organizatorii entuziasmați. Gheorghe Hagi vine în…

19:05, 10.05.2019

PM Dancila: The political decision of some member states impede us to join Schengen Area

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Friday in Arad that "the political decision of some member states impede us to join the Schengen Area," adding that following the informal Summit in Sibiu decisions should…

16:46, 23.04.2019

Selecționerul echipei naționale de fotbal a României, Cosmin Contra, și-a luat bilet la Diskoteka Festival

„Nu te poți pune Contra unui festival dedicat muzicii adolescenței tale! Mai devreme sau mai târziu tot îți iei vei lua abonament, asta dacă vei mai găsi! Te așteptăm și pe tine alături de Cosmin Contra, selecționerul…

22:15, 11.04.2019

UDMR's Kelemen: We'll do everything in our power to mobile electorate for European Parliament elections, referendum

UDMR (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania) head, Kelemen Hunor on Thursday stated, after consultations at the Cotroceni with the head of the state Klaus Iohannis, that his political party will do everything in…

10:52, 03.04.2019

Senate President Tariceanu asks President Iohannis to sign decree dismissing PG from office

Senate President Calin Popescu Tariceanu asks President Klaus Iohannis to sign the decree dismissing Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar from office, because the latter is among the characters "who sadly bring to…

13:14, 22.03.2019

S-au vândut deja peste 23.000 de abonamente la Diskoteka Festival!

„Peste 23.000 de români se pregătesc pentru distracție la cel mai mare festival din Europa dedicat muzicii anilor ’80 și ’90, după ce și-au cumpărat abonamente la Diskoteka Festival. Între 31 mai și 2 iunie 2019,…

17:42, 27.02.2019

PM Dancila: President continues to block Executive by challenging budget with CCR

President Klaus Iohannis continues to block the Executive activity by challenging the stated budget with the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR), Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Wednesday."I see that…