Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:15, 19.10.2020

PM Orban: We intend to find solution to hire all medical residency graduates

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced on Sunday, in a TV show, that the government is looking for a solution to hire all doctors who pass the national residency examination this year, given that in the fight against…

10:45, 11.09.2020

Health Ministry intends to supplement medical staff in school system

The Health Ministry states that it intends to increase the budget until the end of the year for the school health care network in order to complete the need for medical staff in the general and dental medical offices…

13:35, 02.09.2020

Structure specialized in finding missing persons to be set up

Secretary of State Bogdan Despescu with the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced on Wednesday that a structure specialized in finding missing persons will be set up, with psychologists, who will have representatives…

10:15, 04.06.2020

PNL planning to modify health reform law after parliamentary elections

Health Minister Nelu Tataru told private broadcaster B1 TV on Wednesday evening that after the parliamentary elections the Liberals intend to amend Law No. 95/2006 so that the important hospitals be transferred…

17:25, 25.05.2020

Ministry of Economy intends to provide funds of one billion euros to companies affected by SARS-COV-2

The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment (MEEMA) is analyzing the possibility of granting funds worth one billion euros to companies affected by SARS-COV-2, the ministry announced on its Facebook…

08:42, 05.05.2020

Government intends to allocate more than 6 pct of GDP to public investments

The Government intends to allocate more than 6% of GDP to public investments in a maximum period of two years, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban told on Monday a press conference at Victoria Palace."Also related to…

12:08, 04.03.2020

Concurs de admitere în instituțiile de învâțământ colaboratoare cu Penitenciarul Codlea

Penitenciarul Codlea recrutează candidaţi în vederea participării la concursul de admitere în instituţiile de învăţământ colaboratoare, din sistemul de apărare, ordine publică şi siguranță naţională, sesiunea 2020,…

21:14, 09.12.2019

PM Orban: In no way do I intend to make decision related to FinMin Citu

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban affirmed on Monday, after the Social Democratic Party's (PSD) motion against the Minister of Finance was adopted by the Senate, that he will not take any action in the case of Florin…

15:27, 07.11.2019

EC wants to know why Romania intends to decline contribution of renewable resources in energy production

The European Commission (EC) requested Romania explanations into why our country proposed to decrease the contribution of renewable resources in the energy production from 41.8 percent in 2020 to 39.6 percent in…

15:25, 31.10.2019

#PresidentialElections2019 Paleologu: If I'm elected President, I will live in my own house and ride the subway

The candidate of the People's Movement Party (PMP) in the presidential elections, Theodor Paleologu, stated on Thursday, in a press conference in Oradea that, if elected, he will continue to live in his own house…

10:04, 24.09.2019

Romania intends to join certain palpable initiatives of fight against effects of climate change

Romania has announced its intention to join certain specific initiatives of fight against the effects of climate change, in response to an appeal by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to the member states,…

17:17, 04.09.2019

ANRE intends to buy interactive tablet and related software amounting to 28,000 euro

The National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) intends to purchase a 42-inch interactive tablet and the related software, in exchange for an estimated 28,000 euro, without VAT, according to a announcement posted…

20:16, 27.08.2019

Croatian StateSec Metelko-Zgombic says Croatia intends to organise summit on Eastern Partnership during EU Council Presidency

Croatia intends to organise, during its mandate as President of the EU Council, a new summit related to the Eastern Partnership, but also to endorse the accession negotiations with the Western Balkan countries,…

09:48, 23.05.2019

PSD's Dragnea: We do not intend to change prime minister; Mrs. Dancila remains until 2020

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule, ed.n.) Liviu Dragnea said on Wednesday that the Social-Democrats do not intend to change the prime minister, saying that Viorica Dancila may remain in…

21:36, 20.03.2019

Anunt al Centrului Militar Judetean Maramures privind recrutarea de ofiteri si subofiteri filiera indirecta

Ai studii universitare civile sau esti student in ultimul an? Ai putea deveni OFITER in activitate prin parcurgerea si absolvirea Cursului de formare pe filiera indirecta a ofiterilor in activitate. Locurile, perioadele…

17:16, 20.02.2019

President to decide on national budget; draft budget passed by intended for majority welfare

Presidential spokeswoman Madalina Dobrovolschi said on Wednesday that President Iohannis is due to make a decision on the national budget and social security laws that he will made public in the coming days, adding…

22:07, 31.01.2019

Știati ca...: Este Ziua intendentei militare

Ziua intendentei militare este marcata, anual, la 1 februarie, informeaza agerpres.ro.Intendenta militara a fost oficializata in Romania in a doua jumatate a secolului al XIX lea. Pana la infaptuirea Unirii celor…

12:08, 21.11.2018

PM Dancila: Romania intends to have ambitious, yet realistic presidency of EU Council

Prime minister Viorica Dancila said on Wednesday that Romania intends to have an "ambitious, but also realistic" presidency of the Council of the European Union."Romania intends to have an ambitious, but also realistic…

20:34, 09.11.2018

ISU Maramures face angajari. Vezi posturile disponibile

ISU Maramures anunta organizarea unor concursuri in vederea ocuparii prin incadrare directa, cu recrutare din randul persoanelor care indeplinesc conditiile legale, criteriile specifice si cerintele pentru ocuparea…

14:24, 10.09.2018

Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu met with his Swiss counterpart, Ignazio Cassis, on Monday, a context in which he stated that both sides intend to develop…

Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu met with his Swiss counterpart, Ignazio Cassis, on Monday, a context in which he stated that both sides intend to develop economic and sectoral cooperation, but also to capitalize…

14:48, 07.08.2018

Cu ce medie a intrat la facultate fostul ministru Gabriel Oprea. Chiar el a făcut dezvăluirea

Fostul ministru Gabriel Oprea a dezvăluit cu ce medie a intrat la Facultatea de Drept. Gabriel Oprea a fost ministru al Apărării și ministru de Interne. Gabriel Oprea s-a retras din prim planul vieții politice,…

19:38, 05.08.2018

Cine este Gabriel Oprea: ”Adevărul despre Gabriel Oprea”

”Adevarul despre Gabriel Oprea. Pentru ca sunt constant subiectul unor atacuri mediatice, pentru ca exista tot felul de informatii false si comentarii rau-voitoare referitoare la persoana mea, pentru ca unora le…

22:06, 16.04.2018

Dragnea: Government does not intend to adopt emergency ordinances to amend Criminal Codes

The Government does not intend to adopt emergency ordinances regarding the amendment of the Criminal Codes, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and Social democratic Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea announced…

09:53, 04.04.2018

Ex-PM Ciolos: I intend to run in the elections for European Parliament; regardless, my priority remains Romania

Former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos on Tuesday wrote on his Facebook page that he intended to run in the elections for the European Parliament, adding at the same time that "wherever and whenever" he would candidate,…

17:37, 17.01.2018

Mai sunt două zile: APEL de URGENȚA de la I.P.J. Maramureş. Se caută patru ofițeri

Mai aveţi la dispoziţie două zile pentru a opta să fiţi candidat pe unul dintre cele patru posturi de ofițeri specialiști prin încadrare directă scoase la concurs de Inspectoratul de Poliţie al Judeţului Maramureş!…

18:06, 12.01.2018

IPJ Galaţi scoate la concurs peste 10 posturi vacante

Inspectoratul de Poliţie al Judeţului (IPJ) Galaţi anunţă că instituţia scoate la concurs mai multe posturi vacante, după cum urmează:- ofiţer de poliţie (principal II) în cadrul Serviciului de Investigare a Criminalităţii…

11:58, 10.01.2018

ANGAJARI: Mai multe posturi scoase la concurs de IPJ Maramures

Inspectoratul de Politie Judetean Maramures organizeaza concurs/examen pentru ocuparea a patru posturi de ofiteri specialisti prin incadrare directa a persoanelor cu studii corespunzatoare cerintelor postului si…

17:09, 21.11.2017

Enel intends to invest 565 mil euro in Romania's infrastructure and networks

AGERPRES special correspondent Florin Barbuta reports: Enel will invest 565 million euro in infrastructure and networks on the Romanian market, 2018 through 2020, company representatives communicated on Tuesday…

14:24, 05.04.2017

În atenția bihorenilor! ISU „Crișana” recrutează candidaţi pentru admiterea în instituţiile militare

La admiterea din această vară sunt 222 de locuri, dintre care 35 locuri la Academia de Poliţie „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” (Bucureşti), Facultatea de Pompieri, cu durata de studiu de patru ani şi 198 locuri subofiţeri…

20:07, 27.03.2017

Câte locuri sunt alocate IGSU în instituțiile de învățământ superior anul acesta?

Ministerul Afacerilor Interne a finalizat calendarul de admitere în instituțiile de formare profesională ale MAI și ale altor instituții care pregătesc personal pentru MAI. Ministerul Afacerilor Interne scoate…