Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:31, 03.09.2019

JusMin Birchall: We must focus efforts in preventing and combating terrorism

Justice Minister Ana Birchall sent a condolence message to the family of the Romanian who died following the terrorist attack in Kabul, adding that such attacks are deeply condemnable."I found with deep sorrow…

21:22, 03.09.2019

Premier Dancila firmly condemns bloody terrorist attack in Afghanistan

Premier Viorica Dancila firmly condemned the terrorist attack in Kabul, in which a representative of Romania's diplomatic mission to the capital of Afghanistan was killed and another one was injured."I firmly condemn…

17:37, 12.08.2019

Crown Custodian Margareta strongly condemning violence of any kind against women, girls

Custodian of the Romanian Crown Margareta is strongly condemning violence of any kind against women and girls, urging young people and adults to get educated to remove such attitudes."I am strongly condemning violence…

19:23, 31.07.2019

CSM: Section for judges condemns using Caracal tragedy `for gaining political benefits`

Section for judges of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) condemns "the using of the Caracal tragedy for gaining political benefits", demanding that "the truth be discovered quickly and the ones in fault be…

21:13, 21.04.2019

Romania's PM Danicla strongly condemning bloody attacks in Sri Lanka

Romania's Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Sunday condemned the recent bloody attacks in Sri Lanka, showing that she is standing with the people of Sri Lanka and the bereaved families."I am strongly condemning…

19:52, 05.04.2019

US Embassy in Romania condemns Husi Jewish cemetery vandalism, demands those responsible be brought to justice

The Embassy of the United States of America in Romania unequivocally condemns the recent vandalism carried out against the Jewish cemetery in Husi and demands that those responsible for this attack be brought to…

16:57, 15.03.2019

Iohannis strongly condemns New Zealand attacks; extreme violence and hate crime are inexcusable

President Klaus Iohannis strongly condemned the attacks that took place in New Zealand on Friday morning, resulting in causalities and numerous wounded."I strongly condemn this act of terror against innocent people.…

10:21, 17.12.2018

PNL's Orban: Dragnea's speech, delirium of dictator capable to condemn Romania to darkest period ever

The speech delivered by the main ruling party (PSD)'s leader Liviu Dragnea was "the delirium of a crazy dictator" capable to condemn Romania "to its darkest period ever", the head of the National Liberal Party…

10:18, 31.10.2018

MAE condemns Pittsburgh synagogue shooting in the US

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) firmly condemns the Saturday, October 27, the shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, the United States of America, which caused numerous victims, reads a release of the MAE…

09:37, 02.10.2018

PSD's Dragnea about debate in LIBE Committee: ‘A list of standpoints, a condemnation before analyzing evidence’

Deputies' Chamber Speaker Liviu Dragnea said that the extraordinary meeting of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament, which occasioned an exchange of opinions with First Vice-President of the European Commission…

16:56, 05.09.2018

Iohannis condemns adoption of budget rectification without CSAT's opinion, requests Ombudsman to notify CCR

President Klaus Iohannis firmly condemns the adoption of the budget rectification draft project by the Government, without the opinion of Romania's Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) and publicly asks…

17:27, 05.08.2018

MAE condemns any anti-Semitic gestures, in reference to foul play on 'Elie Wiesel' Memorial House

Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) expresses its regret and strongly condemns and anti-Semitic gestures, with respect to the foul play committed on the 'Elie Wiesel' Memorial House in Sighetu Marmatiei of the Peace…

23:06, 25.06.2018

Head of Romanian Intelligence Service assures agency stays away from all power games

The Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) strongly condemns attempts to denigrate the institution, and SRI head Eduard Hellvig assures the citizens of Romania the agency is not involved in any kind of power games,…

09:03, 30.05.2018

MAE condemns Syria recognising Georgian provinces Abkhazia's and South Ossetia's independence

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) condemned on Tuesday the Syrian Arab Republic recognising the independence of the Georgian provinces Abkhazia and South Ossetia.  "The Foreign Affairs Ministry condemns the Syrian…

23:13, 25.02.2018

MAE firmly condemns any action taken against schools teaching in Romanian in Ukraine

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) firmly condemns any action taken against such schools teaching in Romanian language in Ukraine, in the context of information presented by the Security Service in this country…

16:17, 15.09.2017

Romania's Foreign Ministry condemning North Korea's firing ballistic missile over Japan

Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) is strongly condemning the firing on Friday of a second ballistic missile by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in less than a month, which flew over Japan's Hokkaido…

22:43, 19.07.2017

Firme cu actiuni la purtator din judetul Constanta: Azi, Comat, Condemar, DEP Consulting Management, Euroconstruct Consulting, New Home Construct, New…

Mai multe societati comerciale din judetul Constanta au, potrivit datelor furnizate de Registrul Comertului, actiuni la purtator, adica patronii acestora sunt anonimi. Actiunile la purtator sunt mult mai sigure…

16:25, 19.07.2017

Romania condemning proclamation of self-styled 'Little Russia' in Ukraine by Donetsk separatists

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) is condemning the proclamation on July 18 by separatists in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region of a self-styled new state called "Little Russia", according to a MAE statement released…

17:33, 22.06.2017

Launch Trailer pentru Get Even

Bandai Namco a lansat astăzi Get Even pe PC, PlayStation 4 și Xbox One, titlu FPS Psychological Horror care ar putea fi comparat mai mult sau mai puțin cu seria Condemned. Povestea îl aruncă pe mercenarul Black…

13:28, 05.06.2017

President Iohannis firmly condemns attacks in London

President Klaus Iohannis has firmly condemned, on Sunday, the terrorist attacks in London and has conveyed his profound compassion for the victims."I firmly condemn the terrorist attacks that took place in London.

12:39, 10.05.2017

Cerințe hardware pentru Get Even

Deși Get Even nu poate spera la marketing-ul altor titluri din această perioadă, el arată promițător, similar cu Condemned: Criminal Origins. Personajul principal este un detectiv care se trezește într-un azil…

12:52, 21.04.2017

Romania`s Foreign Ministry condemns Paris attack, displays solidarity with France

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) on Friday extended its best wishes to the families of the French police officers victims of a Thursday night terror attack on Champs Elysees in Paris."Our best wishes to the families…

12:35, 27.03.2017

US Embassy: US strogly condemns detention of hundreds of peaceful protesters in Russia

The US strongly condemns the detention of the hundreds of peaceful protesters, observers on human rights and journalists in Russia, reads a message published on Monday on the US Embassy in Bucharest Facebook page.

18:02, 06.03.2017

In brief - NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu condemns latest ballistic missile tests by North Korea

I strongly condemn the most recent reported ballistic missile tests conducted by North Korea. Once again, these missile tests are in direct violation of a series of Security Council Resolutions which require North…

20:19, 08.02.2017

Get Even va fi lansat pe 26 mai pentru PC, PlayStation 4 și Xbox One

The Farm 51, studio responsabil pentru Deadfall Adventures, Painkiller: Pain and Damnation și Necrovision, a anunțat că viitorul său joc video, Get Even, va fi disponibil începând cu 26 mai pe PC, PS4 și Xbox One.…

16:33, 07.02.2017

S&D Group condemns and strongly opposes Knesset’s Regulation Law

Following a Regulation Law adopted by the Knesset yesterday, S&D Group president Gianni Pittella stated: „The S&D Group opposes and condemns the decision of the Israeli Knesset backed by Prime Minister…

13:42, 04.08.2016

In brief - NATO Secretary General condemns North Korea s ballistic missile test

I strongly condemn North Korea’s ballistic missile test today, which caused one missile to land in Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone.This is yet another in a series of missile tests in clear and direct violation…

22:54, 12.07.2016

Seria Blood s-ar putea întoarce

Cele două titluri FPS Blood au fost lansate de Monolith între 1997 și 1998, iar violența lor, precum și designul nivelelor, le-au păstrat în inimile gamerilor.Recent, fondatorul Monolith, Jace Hall, retras între…

14:12, 22.03.2016

Comanescu condemns terrorist attacks in Brussels

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) firmly condemns the Tuesday morning attacks in Brussels; Minister Lazar Comanescu assured that the MAE endeavours to support the Romanian citizens in the Belgian capital and relevant…

19:19, 21.02.2016

SEGA oferă gratuit Gunstar Heroes, Viking: Battle for Asgard și Renegade Ops

SEGA oferă gratuit trei jocuri video, în a treia și ultima tranșă de recompense a promoției Make War Not Love, iar ele sunt Gunstar Heroes, Viking: Battle for Asgard și Renegade Ops.Pentru a primi cele trei titluri,…