Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:55, 25.05.2021

Save the Children: Almost 6,000 complaints regarding child disappearance in Romania in the last year

Romania has registered, in the last year, almost 6,000 complaints regarding child disappearances, according to a press release sent by the Save the Children Organization to AGERPRES. According to the data supplied…

17:50, 13.05.2021

Bucharest Mayor files complaint over several million euro damage caused during previous administration

Bucharest General Mayor Nicusor Dan said that he submitted to the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) a complaint about an estimated damage to the tune of several million euros incurred by the Municipality…

12:51, 13.05.2021

Michelle Obama, dezvăluiri despre lupta ei cu depresia în pandemie. ”Nimeni nu trăieşte în euforie”

Michelle Obama, fosta primă doamnă a Statelor Unite, a vorbit în timpul unui interviu acordat producătorului american Stephen Colbert despre experiența sa în ceea ce privește anxietatea și depresia, dar și tehnicile…

20:40, 28.04.2021

PM Citu: We need to have Bucharest budget fast; we will see what the complaints are

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated, on Wednesday, that there is a need for Bucharest to have a budget as fast as possible because there are investments that need to be made and announced that he will speak with…

20:30, 27.04.2021

CEVA CUTREMURĂTOR: Cum își bat joc unii de valoriile naționale în timp ce alții se complac în CALITATEA de SPECTATORI

„Ieri, în Parcul Carol, am asistat la o scenă josnică, ce m-a îndurerat şi scârbit. Eram la Mormântul Ostaşului Necunoscut. Aici, sunt permanent de gardă doi soldaţi. Vară sau iarnă, caniculă ori viscol, băieţii…

12:20, 20.04.2021

Dominic Fritz s-a DEZLĂNȚUIT la adresa lui Lucian Bode, după CRIMA migranților de la Timișoara: Organele statului se COMPLAC

Timișoara nu poate fi lăsată să gestioneze singură problema, spune primarul Dominic Fritz după crima care a avut loc luni în oraș, între migranți. Fritz definește Timișoara drept hub al traficanților.

11:45, 20.04.2021

Dominic Fritz, apel la mobilizare după uciderea unui migrant la Timișoara: „Organele responsabile ale statului par să se complacă cu ideea că problema…

Timișoara este un punct important pe traseul migranților care încearcă, legal sau ilegal, să ajungă în vestul Europei, iar numărul acestora a crescut constant în ultimii ani. Luni, un conflict între două grupuri…

19:55, 16.04.2021

Bucharest Court of Appeal grants protester's request, orders reopening of August 10 rally case

The Bucharest Court of Appeal ordered today the reopening of the investigation against the former Gendarmerie heads in the August 10 rally case, after granting the complaint filed by a protester. Plaintiff Ioan…

15:30, 26.03.2021

Metro protest/Capital Police: Metrorex files complaint on terrorism prevention and combat breach

Metrorex notified the Capital Police on the situation at the metro, invoking the breach of the law on terrorism prevention and combat, the complaint having been filed on an emergency basis with the Directorate…

15:55, 08.03.2021

HealthMin Voiculescu says information on Sibiu patients shocking

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu finds shocking the information surfaced in the media referring to patients of a hospital in Sibiu and added that he would check on what was in fact going on there. "We shall try…

23:26, 14.01.2021

Euroins Romania point of view on late payment of damages related to MTPL claims

In response to the press release published by ASF regarding the state of complaints of Euroins Romania, we would like to provide you with the following facts: Euroins Romania values and puts an emphasis on its…

14:50, 04.01.2021

Preliminary complaint of Association of Romanian Communes in relation to OUG on freezing of public sector staff wages

The Association of Romanian Communes (ACoR) has submitted a preliminary complaint with the Government, the ministries of Finance, Labour, Development and with the Ombudsman with regard to the Emergency Ordinance…

16:20, 09.12.2020

ParliamentaryElection2020/ InMin Vela: 273 complaints registered on election day, by 42 pct less than in 2016

As many as 273 incidents have been reported to the authorities on general election day, by 42 percent less than at the previous ballot in December 2016, Interior Minister Marcel Vela said on Wednesday. He mentioned…

18:51, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ Dajbog (MAI): 188 complaints regarding potential infringements regarding electoral process; 57 not confirmed

Since the beginning of the electoral process 188 complaints were filed regarding misdemeanors or felonies regarding the elections, and 57 of them were unconfirmed, said, on Sunday, the spokesperson of the Ministry…

19:55, 25.11.2020

PSD files complaint with CNA, asking that Iohannis speak in PNL electoral space

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has submitted a complaint with the National Council for Audiovisual (CNA), the broadcasting watchdog, requesting that President Klaus Iohannis speak in the electoral space of the…

17:25, 17.11.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/USR PLUS files criminal complaint for "electoral manipulation" disguised as opinion poll

The USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, Solidarity Party) Alliance announces that it filed a criminal complaint on Tuesday, signed by co-chairmen Dacian Ciolos and Dan Barna, for fraud and impeding the…

17:30, 01.10.2020

Dan Tudorache: PSD District 1 branch lawyer will submit criminal complaint to General Prosecutor

The Mayor of Bucharest's District 1, Dan Tudorache, stated, on Thursday, for AGERPRES, that the lawyer of the Social Democratic Party's District 1 branch will file a criminal complaint to the General Prosecutor…

16:10, 01.10.2020

Ciolacu, on situation at Sector 1: We will file complaint to General Prosecutor's Office

The Social democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu announced on Thursday that he will file a complaint with the General Prosecutor's Office, referring especially to the situation in Sector 1, appreciating…

19:20, 29.09.2020

Dajbog (MAI): 95 felonies observed at voting day end, 102 persons - investigated

Police officers have received, since the last report - Sunday, 18:00 hrs, and until the end of the voting process, 316 complaints, discovering 95 felonies, 102 persons being investigated at the national level."Investigations…

18:01, 29.09.2020

PSD complaint regarding situation in District 1, on agenda of BEC meeting

The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC), has met, on Tuesday, in session, the agenda including, among others, the complaint filed by the Bucharest District 1 branch of the Social Democratic Party (PSD).The PSD candidate…

19:30, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Dajbog: 703 complaints regarding illegal activity regarding electoral process; 255 unconfirmed

A number of 703 complaints regarding illegal activities that regard the electoral process were recorded since the start of the voting process, 255 of them being unconfirmed, announced, on Sunday, the spokesperson…

16:55, 27.09.2020

MAI spokesperson, Monica Dajbog:'318 complaints were received regarding possible misdemeanors or felonies relating to the voting process'

Since the start of the voting process, the authorities were notified 318 times regarding possible misdemeanors or felonies that relate to the voting process, 119 of them being unconfirmed, announced, on Sunday,…

18:10, 22.09.2020

MAI's Monica Dajbog: Over 650 complaints since start of election campaign

More than 650 complaints have been registered since the beginning of the election campaign, most of them about the destruction or damage of posters, spokesperson for the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) Monica…

12:40, 16.09.2020

Local Elections2020/Nicusor Dan to file complaint on PSD MPs that denounced him with DNA

Deputy Nicusor Dan, the candidate supported by the Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR PLUS) Alliance and National Liberal Party (PNL) for Bucharest's City Hall, announced on Wednesday…

16:11, 21.08.2020

PNL to file complaint over legal conflict of constitutional nature between gov't, Parliament

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Thursday evening that a complaint over the existence of a legal conflict of a constitutional nature between the government and Parliament over the possibility of a motion of…

13:20, 05.08.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: PNL is trying to get hold of mayors; we will file a complaint

The interim president of PSD (Social Democratic Party), Marcel Ciolacu, on Wednesday stated that the Social Democrats will file a criminal complaint with the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) against all…

15:24, 16.07.2020

Raed Arafat files complaint at DIICOT for death threats

Secretary of State with the Ministry of Interior Raed Arafat filed, on Thursday, with the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) headquarters, a criminal complaint against those who…

19:12, 03.07.2020

Esti antreprenor? Iata tot ce trebuie sa stii despre GDPR!

Dupa doi ani de cand a devenit obligatorie implementarea sa, GDPR-ul este un subiect fierbinte, care trebuie gestionat, cu mare grija, de orice companie, indiferent de specific sau marime. Chiar daca firma ta s-a…

16:17, 06.05.2020

AG Scutea expecting huge wave of court complaints against coronavirus lockdown fines

Attorney General Gabriela Scutea said on Wednesday that after the state of emergency ceases the judiciary will face a "huge" wave of complaints filed in court by people who were fined for violating military ordinances…

06:58, 13.04.2020

Mesajul dur al unui pediatru: „Acuzele privind pasivitatea medicilor sunt adevărate. Ne-am complăcut în mocirla în care ne-au afundat guvernele“

Medic de urgenţă la Spitalul de Pediatrie din Piteşti de peste 16 ani, Eduard Morlova (52 de ani) este unul dintre cei mai apreciaţi medici pediatri din Argeş. Într-un interviu pentru „Adevărul“, doctorul Eduard…