Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:40, 25.02.2019

Câştigătorii premiilor Oscar 2019. „Green Book” și „Bohemian Rhapsody”, cele mai multe statuete

Premiile Oscar 2019 s-au decernat duminica noapte la Los Angeles, pe scena fiind invitati actori, regizorii si alti profesionisti din lumea filmului care au fost recompensati pentru reusite deosebite in anul care…

19:07, 30.01.2019

Sorin Dimitriu, president of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce sentenced to 4-year detention

Sorin-Petre Dimitriu, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Bucharest Municipality (CCIB), was sentenced by the Bucharest Court to 4 years and 1 month detention, in a case involving a fraud with…

15:57, 28.01.2019

Anti-corruption authority: 131 defendants handed down final sentences in November - December 2018

A total of 131 defendants have been handed down final sentences in November - December 2018 in corruption cases built by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA); the said defendants include a former deputy,…

20:33, 07.01.2019

Personal Essay For College Applications

Inside the initially sentence of the 4th section ( thirdly section within the body ), „an individual sightless eyesight” is required that hooks straight into the original section. This first phrase also allows…

09:07, 20.12.2018

Dan Sova, Constantin Nita, Rudel Obreja, released from prison by ICCJ

Former Senator Dan Sova, former minister Constantin Nita and former head of the Romanian Boxing Federation Rudel Obreja will be released from prison after the High Court of Cassation and Justice (Supreme Court,…

12:59, 19.12.2018

Premiile Oscar 2019: liste cu semifinaliștii

La categoria cel mai bun film în altă limbă decât engleza: pelicula mexicană ‘Roma’, de Alfonso Cuarón, cea columbiană ‘Pájaros de verano’, de Cristina Gallego şi Ciro Guerra, ‘The…

15:17, 12.11.2018

Denmark's Ambassador: Words "violence" and "domestic" should not be used in same sentence

The words "violence" and "domestic" should not be used in the same sentence, Denmark's Ambassador Soren Jensen Monday told a press conference that took place at the Police Academy in Bucharest whose topic was violence…

11:12, 24.09.2018

Dragnea on amnesty: I consider it act of justice, not leniency

PSD Chair Liviu Dragnea said on Sunday evening that amnesty would mean "an act of justice" to those "innocent sentenced" and not a leniency act in the Centennial year.  Dragnea told private TV broadcaster Antena…

09:40, 11.09.2018

'Guccifer' to be extradited to US after serving of sentence in Romania

The Court of Appeals (CA) Alba Iulia on Monday admitted the demand of extradition to the United States of America of the hacker Marcel Lehel Lazar, alias 'Guccifer' or 'Little Smoke' his extradition being postponed…

10:48, 04.07.2018

ICCJ referral concerning amendments for enforcing sentence; Wednesday, in CCR's attention

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) discusses on Wednesday the referral of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) concerning amendments brought to the Law about enforcing sentences and measures involving…

18:44, 02.07.2018

Parliament: Iordache Committee adopts report in favour of modifications to Criminal Code

The special committee for justice laws on Monday made a report by which it adopted several modifications to the Criminal Code, with 15 votes "in favour" and 7 "against." The draft will be included with the Tuesday…

15:33, 27.06.2018

MAE, about the Romanian citizen sentenced to death in Malaysia: The case remains a priority

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs that, on June 27 2018, took place the appeal trial for the second Romanian citizen sentenced to death in Malaysia for drug trafficking, the sentence remaining final…

20:15, 21.06.2018

Protesters in Victoriei Square applaud sentencing of party leader Dragnea

Protesters gathered on Thursday before the Government House in Victoriei Square and applauded the news that national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea was sentenced for abuse of office.…

17:08, 20.06.2018

ICCJ sentences former senator Dan Sova to 3 years in prison in CET Govora case;court ruling is final

The High Court of Justice and Cassation (ICCJ) sentenced on Wednesday former senator Dan Sova to 3 years in prison in the "CET Govora" case for influence peddling. The the court ruling is final.

22:16, 16.05.2018

Addendums to law on execution of sentences and custodial measures ordered by judicial bodies, promulgated by President Iohannis

A piece of legislation that is completing Law No. 254/2013 on the execution of sentences and custodial measures ordered by judicial bodies was promulgated on Wednesday by President Iohannis.  The law says that…

13:27, 15.05.2018

High Court: DNA prosecutors ask for jail sentence for PSD's Liviu Dragnea

National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) on Tuesday requested the Supreme Court to rule a prison sentence in the case of Speaker of the Deputies Chamber Liviu Dragnea, who is investigated in the DGASPC Teleorman…

12:57, 14.05.2018

IntMin Carmen Dan: I support initiative related to jail sentence for those refusing community service

Minister of Interior Carmen Dan stated that in her capacity as PM she endorsed the bill proposing that a two-year detention sentence to be applied to those who refuse to do community service, when a court order…

13:08, 08.05.2018

DNA requeste three-year prison sentence for Călin Popescu - Tăriceanu

National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors have requested, on Tuesday, at the Supreme Court, a three-year prison sentence for Senate's President Calin Popescu Tariceanu, in the file in which he is accused…

23:27, 26.04.2018

Supreme Court notifies CCR about bill on alternative measures to custodial sentences

The High Court of Cassation (ICCJ) and Justice on Thursday decided to notify Romania's Constitutional Court about the bill on alternative measures to custodial sentences, proposing that the people sentenced to…

17:42, 14.02.2018

ANRP case: Former head of ANI Horia Georgescu sentenced to 4 years in prison

Former head of the National Agency for Integrity (ANI) Horia Georgescu on Wednesday was sentenced by the Bucharest Court of Appeal to 4 years in prison, in the case regarding the compensations from the ANRP (National…

18:47, 08.02.2018

ICCJ: Darius Valcov - sentenced to eight years in prison

Darius Valcov, former mayor of Slatina municipality and former Minister of Finance on Thursday got sentenced by the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) to eight years in prison, in the case in which he is…

19:40, 22.11.2017

Negrii fac mai multa puscarie decat albii

Inegalitatile sistemului judiciar american sunt inca o data denuntate intr-un raport al US Sentencing Commision, agentie independenta din sistem. Astfel, autorii raportului , care au examinat sentintele cu pedeapsa…

20:19, 28.03.2017

Gala Bute case: Topoliceanu gets three-years suspended sentence

The High Court of Justice and Cassation on Tuesday handed Ana Maria Topoliceanu, a former director of the National Investment Corporation, a suspended three-year in prison sentence for bribe taking, plus five years…

12:29, 24.02.2017

Full pardon of sentences up to five years in prison able to stir social insecurity

Fully pardoning prison sentences of up to and including five years is able to stir up social insecurity, according to an opinion issued by the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on a draft law concerning pardoning.

14:28, 18.01.2017

GEO draft: Full pardon for sentences up to 5 years of prison

The emergency ordinance draft on pardoning some sentences, which the Ministry of Justice released for public debate on Wednesday, provides that the sentences up to 5 years of prison inclusively are fully pardoned,…

19:44, 17.01.2017

Kovesi on amnesty and pardoning: Defendants won't serve sentences, money stays in their pocket

The chief prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi, stated in an interview granted on Tuesday to Agerpres, that the adoption of a law regarding the amnesty or pardoning…

13:27, 30.11.2016

ICCJ: Alina Bica sentences to 4 yeras in prison; Adriean Videanu - aquitted

The former Head of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), Alina Bica, has been sentenced to 4 years in prison for favoring the offender.In the same case, former minister Adriean…

13:58, 02.11.2016

Court sentences Syrian businessman Hayssam to 24 years in prison for commercial improprieties

Under a final and binding sentence, the Bucharest Court of Appeal on Tuesday sentenced Syrian Omar Hayssam to 24 years and four months in prison for economic improprieties under a court case called "Manhattan,"…

14:15, 24.02.2016

Former MEP Adrian Severin sentenced to prison for bribery

Three years and three months in prison for bribery and influence peddling, the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ, Romania's Supreme Court) ruled on Tuesday for Adrian Severin, a former member of the European…

14:09, 29.01.2016

Scientific-minded criminals heave sigh of relief

The Higher Council of Magistrates has voted against the Minister of Justice's initiative to abrogate the legislative provision on reducing prison sentences if inmates do scientific work and have it published.  The…