Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:45, 26.01.2020

JusMin Predoiu endorses justice and rule of law evaluation mechanism for all member states

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu, at the informal meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council, organised in Zagreb, endorsed the idea of an evaluation mechanism on justice and rule of law for all member…

13:22, 20.12.2019

Gov't establishes financing mechanism for unlocking projects with European funds

The government approved, at the meeting on Friday, an emergency ordinance establishing a financing mechanism for the unlocking of projects with European funds concerning water and sewerage and transport infrastructure. …

14:03, 10.12.2019

President Iohannis at CSM: I call on you to support implementation of Venice Commission, CVM, GRECO recommendations

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday called on the members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) to "effectively" support the implementation of the Venice Commission, Co-operation and verification Mechanism…

21:56, 03.12.2019

INAS SA va furniza programe de calcul pentru CNE Cernavoda (document)

Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA a anuntat cine si a adjudecat contractul privind achizitia programelor de calcul pentru CNE Cernavoda. Potrivit licitatiapublica.ro, contractul nr. 963 2019 04.10.2019 "Programe…

15:46, 26.11.2019

Gov't's Danca: Net minimum wage for 2020 increases by 83 RON

The minimum wage nationally for the year 2020 will increase in gross terms by 150 RON, and in net terms by 83 RON, stated the head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Ionel Danca.  (1 euro=4.7765 RON)  "The…

20:28, 13.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Iohannis: A lot can be done over next year, but CVM will not be eliminated, in my opinion

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that much can be done over the next year, but in his opinion, the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification (CVM) will not be eliminated."In the next year, a lot can…

17:27, 17.10.2019

Expunerea prelungită la lumina albastră ar putea accelera procesul de îmbătrânire (studiu)

Expunerea pe termen lung la lumina albastră emisă de smartphone-uri, laptopuri şi alte dispozitive electronice mobile ar putea să provoace leziuni cerebrale şi să accelereze procesul de îmbătrânire, potrivit unui…

10:12, 20.06.2019

Ludovic Orban: We support increase in pensions, but based on 'stable, predictable' mechanism

National Liberal Party (PNL) chairman Ludovic Orban said on Wednesday evening that the Liberals support the increase in pensions, but based on a "stable, predictable" mechanism, on "objective elements".  "We attacked…

23:23, 18.05.2019

ALDE's Tariceanu: People with communist prosecutor mentality, in key positions in Justice

Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE, junior coalition partner) Calin Popescu Tariceanu argues that due to the lack of "control and balance" mechanisms, untrained people and with "a mentality…

10:48, 23.04.2019

Dan Barna: PNDL - 'public money-stealing mechanism'

The National Local Development Program (PNDL) is a "public money-stealing mechanism," Chairman of Save Romania Union (USR) Barrna said in Vaslui on Monday, alongside the USR-PLUS Alliance 2020 caravan, whose representatives…

17:37, 07.03.2019

Romanian gov't - Brussels experts' joint committee to tackle CVM

A joint committee consisting of members of the Bucharest Gov't and Brussels' officials will discuss the points of the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification (CVM) in the following period, and further details…

08:38, 20.11.2018

PM Dancila, President of European Court of Auditors Lehne discuss strengthening EU mechanism for managing European funds

Strengthening the EU mechanism for efficiently and economically managing and using the European funds for the benefit of citizens was the main topic discussed on Monday evening by Prime Minister Viorica Dancila…

15:17, 06.11.2018

Colectiv fire survivors ask Premier to create emergency response mechanism for severe burn patients

A group of survivors of the October 30, 2015 'Colectiv' nightclub fire who were treated abroad on Tuesday sent Premier Viorica Dancila and Health Minister Sorina Pintea an open letter, advocating the establishment…

15:48, 17.10.2018

Romania suports projects developed on sidelines of China ”16+1” cooperation mechanism

Romania wants to consolidate its position within the "New Silk Roads" initiative, as well as to support projects developed on the sidelines of the China +16 cooperation mechanism, according to a press release sent…

16:06, 05.10.2018

Split Value-Added Tax (VAT) payment mechanism should be abrogated, as it has no positive effect

The split Value-Added Tax (VAT) payment mechanism should be abrogated as it hasn't had any positive effect and Romania is criticised by the European Commission for this, Dan Manolescu, the President of the Chamber…

14:33, 19.07.2018

PM Dancila: Meeting with President Iohannis - part of institutional cooperation mechanism

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila says that the meeting with President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday was part of the institutional cooperation mechanism between the Government and the Presidential Administration and…

21:10, 12.03.2018

HealthMin Sorina Pintea says 10,000 doses of immunoblogulin will arrive to Romania in maximum two weeks

Minister of Health Sorina Pintea on Monday stated that in maximum two weeks 10,00 doses of immunoglobulin are expected to arrive in Romania. "Partially, the immunoglobulin problem is solved, for we activated the…

08:25, 06.03.2018

Health Minister: Romania triggers European alert mechanism to request immunoglobulin

Romania activated the European alert mechanism to request immunoglobulin, Health Minister Sorina Pintea announced on Monday. "I informed the Prime Minister's Office today and got the okay to start the procedure.…

19:56, 21.02.2018

Warhammer 40.000: Mechanicus a fost anunțat

Kasedo Games și Bulwark Studios anunță Warhammer 40.000: Mechanicus, titlu de strategie pe ture care urmează să fie lansat în acest an pe PC. În Warhammer 40.000: Mechanicus, jucătorii vor controla cea mai avansată…

22:41, 14.02.2018

DNA's Kovesi: We have internal mechanisms of self-cleaning

Chief prosecutor with the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi, on Wednesday stated that DNA has its own internal self-cleaning mechanisms and if a prosecutor broke the law, it doesn't…

11:53, 07.02.2018

FinMin Teodorovici: Employees in IT to benefit from compensation mechanism to cover for contribution transfer related loss

While giving up the state aid for employees in the IT field and other categories of employees after transferring contributions from employers to employees since January 1, the Romanian authorities are proposing…

16:46, 06.12.2017

Reform of the judiciary and MCV report discussed by JusMin Toader with Austrian Ambassador to Romania

Minister of Justice Tudorel Toader had a meeting with the Austrian Ambassador to Romania Isabel Rauscher, on which occasion they discussed the reform of the judiciary and the MCV [Mechanism of Cooperation and Verification]…

21:02, 23.10.2017

Arrival ceremony for new rotating contingent of US infantrymen held at Mihail Kohalniceanu Air Base

The US infantry troops of the Vanguard Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Mechanized Brigade, 1st "Big Red" Division, on Monday organized a ceremony at the Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base to celebrate their arrival…

02:53, 25.08.2017

Conferinţe cu participare internaţională la Universitatea Tehnică

Astfel, cercetatori din orice parte a lumii au ocazia sa se înscrie înca de pe acum la cele doua evenimente stiintifice care se vor derula noiembrie a acestui an si în luna iunie a anului viitor. „The 12th IFToMM…

17:34, 23.08.2017

Current Pillar II mandatory privately managed pensions' functioning mechanism not under question

There are no talks about any kind of modification of the current functioning mechanism of the mandatory privately managed pensions Pillar II, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) said Wednesday in a release…

14:57, 21.08.2017

HyperX lansează tastaturile mecanice de gaming HyperX Alloy Elite și TKL HyperX Alloy FPS Pro

HyperX®, divizia gaming a Kingston® Technology Company, Inc, completează astăzi gama tastaturi de gaming dedicate profesioniștilor de esports din toată lumea prin lansarea tastaturii mecanice de pro gaming…

12:42, 11.04.2017

Tariceanu, Juncker discuss latest evolutions on MCV

The latest developments within the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification (MCV) were discussed on Monday in Brussels, by the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, at the meeting with the Senate…

09:12, 14.11.2016

Ventilatorul PlayStation 4 Pro poate fi curățat fără a afecta garanția

PlayStation 4 Pro este “disecat” de Keiichi Aoki, Director of Mechanical Design și aflăm că se poate ajunge ușor la ventilator pentru a fi curățat, intervenția neafectând garanția produsului. Mai multe detalii…

17:52, 12.07.2016

Studiu. Un compus chimic din marijuana ar putea ajuta la prevenirea maladiei Alzheimer

Marijuana ajută la prevenirea instalării maladiei Alzheimer, potrivit unui nou studiu publicat în revista Aging and Mechanisms of Disease. Cercetătorii au descoperit că un compus activ din marijuana, numit tetrahidrocannabinol…

20:38, 02.06.2016

Studentii timisoreni s-au intrecut in competitia masinutelor inteligente

„InGENIOUSly Continental”, concursul adresat tinerilor softişti şi ingineri hardware şi din domeniul mecanic a oferit premii generoase participanţilor. „Suntem la cea de a treia ediţie a concursului. În total au…