Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:06, 23.05.2024

Ivan Patzaichin Museum - first Romanian public display institution included in Bauhaus European Center network

Ivan Patzaichin Museum - first Romanian public display institution included in Bauhaus European Center network

Attending on Thursday the inauguration of the Ivan Patzaichin Museum - Community Innovation Center in the Mila 23 Danube Delta village, Culture Minister Raluca Turcan announced that this is the first Romanian museal…

13:16, 20.05.2024

Bike and kayak tours in Danube Delta to include visit to Ivan Patzaichin Museum

Bike and kayak tours in Danube Delta to include visit to Ivan Patzaichin Museum

The organisers of the bicycle and kayak tours in the Delta will include in the route the Ivan Patzaichin Museum, in Mila 23, which will open at the end of this week, and say that the opening of the first green…

13:40, 08.04.2024

Over 2,200 troops from 12 NATO member, partner states start Sea Shield 24 exercise

Over 2,200 troops from 12 NATO member, partner states start Sea Shield 24 exercise

Over 2,200 troops and 135 sea-going and riverine vessels, aircraft and vehicles are taking part, April 8 - 21, in training in the coastal area of the Black Sea, as well as in the Danube Delta, under the multinational…

20:16, 22.01.2024

PM Ciuca, on reed harvesting in Danube Delta: No payments are made, if rules not met

The president of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, states that the payments through APIA [Agency for Payment and Interventions in Agriculture - editor's note], requested as a result of the requests submitted for harvesting…

11:20, 11.10.2023

UDMR's Hunor: Romania supports Ukraine, but it cannot destroy its own farmers

The President of UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania), Kelemen Hunor, on Tuesday evening stated that Romania supports Ukraine, "but it cannot destroy its farmers," and the transit of grain must be ensured…

09:00, 07.10.2023

Incompetence on the EU’s dime: Why it takes more than 5 years to renovate a school in Romania

A third of the schools, kindergartens and cultural centers that should have been renovated, equipped or built from scratch with European money from the Danube Delta ITI are in ruins, unfinished, not built at all…

16:20, 11.09.2023

More than 200 soldiers from seven states start Sea Breeze 23.3 drill

More than 200 soldiers from seven states, including Ukraine, are participating in the 4-day Sea Breeze 23.3 multinational drill, starting on Monday, by the Romanian and United States Naval Forces, on the Black…

10:50, 10.09.2023

Danube Delta Shipping SRL, din Constanta, are un nou sediu social!

Potrivit Termene.ro, platforma consultata la data de 10 septembrie 2023, SC Danube Delta Shipping SRL este specializata in activitati de servicii anexe transportului pe apa si este administrata de Tataru Valentina.…

15:26, 08.09.2023

Romanian, US navies holding joint Black Sea, Danube Delta military exercise

The Romanian Navy and the US Navy jointly organise, September 11-15, the "Sea Breeze 23.3" multinational military exercise in the area of responsibility of the Romanian Navy in the Black Sea and the Danube Delta.According…

13:15, 07.09.2023

Drone in Danube Delta, big blunder of the Iohannis regime, says AUR chairman

The Romanian state institutions are deprofessionalised, the case of the fragments that could have come from a drone found in far eastern Tulcea county being "a big blunder of the Iohannis regime", the leader of…

12:45, 01.09.2023

Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Day marked by sturgeon restoration event

Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Day marked by sturgeon restoration eventPublic officials and school students from the Danube Delta area are expected today in Isaccea to repopulate the Danube with 5,000 diamond sturgeons…

10:05, 01.09.2023

President Iohannis paying visit to Danube Delta on Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Day

President Iohannis paying visit to Danube Delta on Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve DayPresident Klaus Iohannis will pay a visit to the Danube Delta on Friday, on the occasion of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve…

20:35, 31.08.2023

President Klaus Iohannis is paying a visit to the Danube Delta on Friday

President Klaus Iohannis will pay a visit to the Danube Delta on Friday, on the occasion of the Day of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (RBDD), the Presidential Administration informed."With the special variety…

20:50, 29.06.2023

President Iohannis: No deepening but maintainance works done on Bystroe Canal

President Iohannis: No deepening but maintainance works done on Bystroe Canal. President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that maintenance work, not deepening, had been carried out on the Bystroe Canal, pointing…

14:05, 24.04.2023

The only pelicans colony in Romania settles near Navodari, outside the Danube Delta

The only pelicans colony in Romania settles near Navodari, outside the Danube Delta.The only colony of Dalmatian pelicans that can be seen on Romanian territory settled outside the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve,…

11:20, 21.03.2023

Danube Delta, Black Sea ban on fishing pike perch, European perch, makerel kicks off

In the Danube Delta, the prohibition of fishing for pike perch, European perch and makerel species has begun, and the Northern pike specimens can be caught by recreational fishermen/athletes only in the "catch&release"…

13:05, 17.03.2023

Project worth 56.8 million lei to prevent flood risk in Danube Delta

The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MMAP), in partnership with the "Apele Romane" National Administration (ANAR) - Apele Romane Dobrogea-Litoral, is going to implement the project on "Complex protection…

11:31, 06.03.2023

Avocatul Dan Chitic anunță un miting la Ambasada Ucrainei. Se va cere oprirea lucrărilor pe brațul Bîstroe

Avocatul Dan Chitic anunță un miting la Ambasada Ucrainei din București, care ar urma să se desfășoare luni, 6 martie 2023. Participanții la acest eveniment ar urma să ceară stoparea lucrărilor pe care statul ucrainean…

20:15, 16.02.2023

Minister: Environment Ministry to prevent all Bystroye Canal works that could affect Danube Delta ecosystem

The Environment Ministry will forbid all works along the Bystroye Canal that could affect the Danube Delta biodiversity and ecosystem, given that neither the Romanian, nor the Ukrainian national legislation allow…

16:16, 15.02.2023

Signals are that Ukraine starts dredging Bystroe Canal, with impact on environment, on Danube Delta(TransportMinister)

There are signals that at the moment Ukraine is doing dredging works on the Bystroe Canal, this being able to have an impact on the environment and the Danube Delta, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the…

12:25, 02.02.2023

Governor Gabriel Marinov on World Wetlands Day: Delta is a very different tourist destination

The Danube Delta is a special tourist destination, where visitors should contemplate nature, not destroy it, says the governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (RBDD), Gabriel Marinov, in a message on the…

15:05, 31.01.2023

Danube Delta Administration requests consent from EnviMin to extracting jackals from reserve

The Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (ARBDD) submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests (MMAP) a request for the necessary approval to start the procedure for the extraction…

16:20, 29.01.2023

Banning order for fishing pike enters into force

Starting this week, no fisherman from the Danube Delta is allowed to catch pike, one of the most valuable fish species in the reserve, as a result of the prohibition order published on Friday in the Official Journal,…

16:30, 25.01.2023

Former Danube Delta governor Musatescu warns banning measures are needed to avoid 'fish apocalipse'

The former governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (RBDD), Malin Musatescu, on Wednesday told AGERPRES, in the context in which the relevant authorities have not yet given the order to ban fishing, even…

14:35, 25.01.2023

Ruddy turnstone ringed in Danube Delta travels 8,000 kilometers to southern Africa

A ruddy turnstone ringed in August 2022 in the Danube Delta, was photographed four months later in southern Africa, the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) informed on Wednesday. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

14:35, 25.01.2023

Petre Daea a descins în mijlocul fermierilor din Hunedoara: Le-a oferit cele mai noi informații din domeniu

Ministrul Agriculturii, Petre Daea, a descins în mijlocul fermierilor din Hunedoara pentru a le prezenta cele mai noi informații din domeniu. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

13:00, 05.01.2023

Tulcea: Danube Delta Administration wants to attract 150 M euros worth projects

The Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (ARBDD) wants to attract 150 million euros in the current programming period, with the Somova-Parches complex to be the main beneficiary of the funds, as…

12:21, 03.01.2023

Increase in fines in Danube Delta changes tourist behavior

The update of the amount of fines applied in the Danube Delta for non-compliance with the provisions of the environmental protection legislation has changed the behavior of tourists, the governor of the Danube…

12:20, 29.12.2022

Danube Delta Reserve governor suggests two-year pike fishing ban

A two-year fishing ban should be set in place in order to restore the declining population of pike, one of the most caught Danube Delta fish species, which is also prized for its large-pearl roe, Danube Delta Reserve…

15:20, 16.12.2022

People loving wild horses of Danube Delta ask for special status to protect them

Veterinarian and researcher Stefan Raileanu, who has been concerned for almost 20 years with the issue of the wild horses in the Danube Delta, asks the authorities to resume the steps to provide a special status…