Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

00:12, 06.01.2018

CSM head: My message is of unity for my colleagues and openness towards the other state powers

The newly elected head of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Simona Marcu, on Friday sent a message of unity to the magistrates and another one of openness towards the other state powers.  "I would like first…

16:24, 27.10.2017

European Funds Minister Nica signs funding contract worth 50 million euro to rehabilitate North Road

Minister of European Funds Marius Nica signed on Friday a funding contract worth approximately 50 million euro for the rehabilitation of the North Road, in the presence of President of the Maramures County Council…

14:17, 07.07.2017

EduMin Pop: Some colleagues in MEN have been taught 'to let it be, because it works as it is'

Education Minister Liviu Pop told DC News on Friday that a lot of the measures of the governing programme have been delayed and it has to be seen who is responsible of this thing inside the National Education Ministry…

00:02, 08.09.2016

DOLIU în lumea afacerilor. A murit Rodica Mureșan, patroana pensiunilor Dana

Rodica Mureșan, patroana celor trei pensiuni Dana, din Focșani, Golești și Tulnici, s-a stins ieri din viață, la 61 de ani, după o luptă cu o boală necruțătoare. Trupul neînsuflețit este depus la capela bisericii…

16:27, 05.05.2016

IntMin Toba:I'm asking all colleagues to firmly enforce law, be unbiased toward election competitors

Interior Minister Petre Toba on Thursday called on his colleagues to firmly enforce law, saying that the principles that should govern their activity for the local elections are legality and fairness toward all…

11:13, 16.10.2015

Our colleague Laura Nureldin has just published her first book, The Kings of time

Our colleague Laura Nureldin has just published her first book, the Kings of Time at the Romanian peasants club. , The journalist confessed that she was nervous today, until the light went on stage and suddenly…

15:16, 16.07.2013

IBM SmartCloud ajută zonele afectate de furtuni

După trecerea uneia dintre cele mai mari şi distructive furtuni care au lovit zona extrem de populată a Coastei de Est a Statelor Unite ale Americii, IBM a donat platforma sa SmartCloud Fundaţiei &"Hurricane Sandy…