Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:11, 21.12.2023

Average price for one hectare of arable land RON 39,704 in Romania, in 2022

Average price for one hectare of arable land RON 39,704 in Romania, in 2022The average price for one hectare of arable land was RON 39,704 in Romania, in 2022, with the lowest average price being recorded in the…

21:50, 04.05.2023

Fostul fotbalist Koke, condamnat la șase ani de închisoare, după ce a recunoscut că a condus o rețea de trafic de droguri

Sergio Contreras „Koke”, în vârstă de 40 de ani, a recunoscut că a condus o reţea prin care se ducea marijuana în mai multe ţări europene, informează L’Equipe, citat de News.ro.Fostul fotbalist spaniol a acceptat…

21:30, 26.03.2023

Fost fotbalist la Olympique Marseille, șeful unei rețele de trafic de droguri. Câți ani de închisoare riscă Sergio Contreras „Koke”

Sergio Contreras „Koke” (39 de ani) riscă o condamnare la 16 ani de închisoare, după ce poliţia din Spania ar fi adunat dovezi că fostul fotbalist de la Olimpique Marseille era unul dintre liderii unei reţele de…

14:41, 08.03.2023

Atenționare de călătorie în Marea Britanie, după ninsorile abundente - MAE anunță posibile întreruperi de trafic rutier, feroviar și aerian

Ministerul Afacerilor Externe a transmis miercuri o atenționare de călătorie în Marea Britanie din cauza vremii severe, valabilă până la sfârșitul acestei săptămâni. Au fost anunțate perturbări în circulația feroviară…

16:05, 15.11.2022

SilviCULTURAL Virtual Museum in three regions of the country, to reconnect with local natural resources

A number of four Local Action Groups (GAL) from the Center, North-West and North-East regions have managed to set up a SilviCULTURAL Museum, where one can take virtual tours, photo and video, on thematic routes…

10:55, 31.10.2022

Number of building permits for residential areas down 11.8 pct, in first nine months of 2022

The number of building permits issued for residential buildings decreased by 11.8%, in the first nine months of the current year, compared to the same period in 2021, according to data published on Monday by the…

14:45, 06.09.2022

O veveriţă a călătorit trei săptămâni cu un vapor

O veveriță cu trei dungi, specie întâlnită des în India, a călătorit mii de kilometri pe un vas până la Aberdeen, în Marea Britanie, informează Descoperă.ro. Organizația caritabilă North East Wildlife and Animal…

11:56, 12.08.2022

Un bărbat s-a judecat 22 de ani pentru că a plătit 24 de eurocenți mai mult biletul de tren, în India, și a câștigat procesul

Un avocat indian a câștigat o bătălie juridică de 22 de ani cu Căile Ferate Indiene, pentru că a fost suprataxat cu 20 de rupii, echivalentul a 24 de eurocenți, scrie The Guardian Când Tungnath Chaturvedi, în vârstă…

19:10, 07.01.2022

46 year old doctor dies, colleagues say professional overload is to blame

The head of the Emergency Room Section within the Dorohoi (North-East) Municipal Hospital has died on Friday, after returning from work, his death, at the age of 46, being attributed to professional exhaustion.…

10:40, 07.01.2022

Number of building permits issued in first 11 months of 2021 increase 25%

The number of building permits issued in the first 11 months of last year increased by 25% compared to the same period in 2020, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), Agerpres reports. During…

11:10, 29.11.2021

25.3 pct increase in number of building permits for residential buildings in ten months

The number of building permits issued for residential buildings in Romania increased by 25.3% in the first ten months of the year, compared to a similar period in 2020, according to data from the National Institute…

16:01, 01.09.2021

INCDFP reviews earthquake at 4.2, as well as seismic area where it took place

The National Earth Physics Research-Development Institute (INCDFP) reviewed the earthquake that took place on Wednesday, 13:32 local time, from 4.7 to 4.2 magnitude and announces that it took place in the seismic…

14:45, 01.09.2021

4.7-magnitude earthquake hits Covasna County, Transylvania, Wednesday afternoon

A 4.7 magnitude earthquake took place on Wednesday, local time 13:32, in Transylvania, in Covasna County, according to the information published by the National Earth Physics Research-Development Institute (INCDFP).…

09:10, 23.06.2021

3.3-magnitude earthquake hits Vrancea County Wednesday morning

A 3.3-magnitude earthquake occurred on Wednesday morning, at 03:29hrs, EEST, local time, in the Vrancea seismic zone, Vrancea County, according to data published by the National Earth Physics Research-Development…

15:36, 27.05.2021

PMP: Mrs. Dancila has no sort of international openness in order to generate added value for BNR

The chairman of the People's Movement Party (PMP), Cristian Diaconescu, declared on Thursday, in Braila (North-East of Bucharest), that he does not know the reasons why the governor of the National Bank of Romania…

17:00, 11.12.2020

Johnson apreciază că un Brexit fără un acord comercial este ”foarte, foarte probabil”

”Este foarte, foarte probabil să trebuiască să alegem o soluţie care va fi, cred eu, formidabilă pentru Regatul Unit şi vom putea face exact ceea ce vrem începând de la 1 ianuarie”, a declarat Johnson în cadrul…

12:00, 30.10.2020

INS: The number of building authorizations for residential buildings down 4.9pct in Jan-Sept

A number of 30,612 building authorizations for residential buildings were issued in the first nine months of the year, down 4.9pct from the corresponding period of the previous year, according to a press release…

10:50, 30.09.2020

INS: Building authorizations for residential buildings down 7.1pct in Jan-Aug

The number of building authorizations issued for residential buildings in Romania dropped 7.1 per cent in January-August this year compared with the same period last year, showed data published on Wednesday by…

10:40, 31.07.2020

Number of construction permits for residential buildings has dropped by 12.1 pct in first six months

The number of building permits for residential buildings has dropped by 12.1 pct in the first six months of this year, compared to the same period of last year, according to a release of the National Statistics…

12:12, 30.04.2020

Building permits for residential buildings down 15pct in March 2020

In March 2020, 3,224 building permits were released for residential buildings, down 15 percent compared to the same month of 2019, a decrease of 568 permits, according to the data published by the National Institute…

13:19, 30.01.2020

Number of 2019 residential building permits down 0.4 pct YoY

The number of residential building permits issued in 2019 amounted to 42,541, down by0.4 percent from the previous year, shows data released on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).The development…

13:18, 09.12.2019

Peste 2.000 de koala ar fi pierit în incendiile din Australia (experţi)

Incendiile care mistuie zone extinse din statul australian New South Wales (NSW) au ucis peste 2.000 de koala din octombrie, au declarat experţi în cadrul unei unei anchete parlamentare, citaţi de DPA. Distrugerea…

12:52, 09.12.2019

Australia: Peste 2.000 de koala ar fi pierit în incendii

Incendiile care mistuie zone extinse din statul australian New South Wales (NSW) au ucis peste 2.000 de koala din octombrie, au declarat experţi în cadrul unei unei anchete parlamentare, citaţi de DPA, potrivit…

12:50, 06.12.2019

More than three quarters of Romanian households have internet access at home

No less than 75.7 percent of Romanian households have internet access at home in 2019, up 3.3 percentage points compared to the previous year, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) said.According to INS, about…

10:54, 29.11.2019

INS: 2.1pct drop in the number of building authorizations for residential buildings, in Jan-Oct

The number of building authorizations for residential buildings decreased by 2.1 per cent, in the first ten months of the year, compared with the same period of the previous year, reaching almost 36,000, according…

11:04, 30.09.2019

Over 13.5 million people connected to public water supply network in 2018

In 2018, the population connected to the public water supply network accounted to 13.51 million persons, with the highest share recorded in urban area, 98.7 percent respectively, showed the data released on Monday…

10:37, 30.09.2019

Residential building permits, down 2.3pct in Romania, Jan.-Aug. 2019

Residential building permits in Romania in the first eight months of 2019 decreased by 2.3pct from the same period of 2018, according to data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) on Monday.  Thus,…

21:45, 22.09.2019

Sute de oameni s-au dezbrăcat şi s-au aruncat în apele reci ale golfului Druridge Bay

Peste 700 de oameni s-au dezbrăcat duminică şi s-au aruncat în apele golfului englez Druridge Bay, Northumberland, cu ocazia celei de-a opta ediţii a „North East Skinny Dip“, un eveniment la care participanţii…

12:06, 30.08.2019

Number of Jan - July residential building permits down 1.5 pct YoY

As many as 24,570 residential building permits were issued between January - July 2019, down 1.5 pct from the same period of 2018, shows data released on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).  The…

10:44, 28.08.2019

EUR 10 ml budget allocation for program to stimulate participation in education of children whose parents work abroad

The Ministry of European Funds, through the Managing Authority for the Operational Program 'Human Capital' has launched for public consultation the guide "Pilot program for the stimulation of the participation…