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01:10, 22.04.2024

Violet, nu verde, ar fi culoarea ­preponderentă a vieţii din Univers

Violet, nu verde, ar fi culoarea ­preponderentă a vieţii din Univers

Condițiile particulare de pe Terra au dus, de-a lungul timpului, la favorizarea evoluției organismelor fotosintetice care folosesc clorofila. De aici culoarea verde atât de întâlnită în natură. Plecând de la ideea…

13:05, 05.04.2024

Average monthly income per household, 7,504 RON in Q4 of 2023, expenses represent 86.8 pct of income

Average monthly income per household, 7,504 RON in Q4 of 2023, expenses represent 86.8 pct of income

Average total monthly incomes were 7,504 RON per household in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 2,999 RON per person, up by 2.8% both per household and per person compared to the previous quarter, according to data…

06:55, 02.04.2024

Microsoft va comercializa aplicaţia de chat şi video Teams separat de produsul Office, la nivel global

Microsoft va comercializa aplicaţia de chat şi video Teams separat de produsul Office, la nivel global

Comisia Europeană investighează legătura dintre Office şi Teams încă de la o plângere din 2020, făcută de Salesforce, aplicaţia de mesagerie concurentă pentru spaţiul de lucru Slack. Teams, care a fost adăugat…

13:45, 14.02.2024

Average monthly net wage for part-time jobs in Romania reaches RON 3,000 (platform)

Average monthly net wage for part-time jobs in Romania reaches RON 3,000 (platform)

The monthly average net wage in Romania fot part-time jobs is RON 3,000 nationwide, all fields and experience levels included, according to Salario data, the eJobs.ro salary comparator. A breakdown by areas that…

12:55, 12.02.2024

Average monthly net wage in Romania reaches RON 5,079 in December 2023

Average monthly net wage in Romania reaches RON 5,079 in December 2023

The average monthly salary after tax in Romania in December 2023 reached RON 5,079, up 6.6%, or RON 314, from November 2023, according to data released on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).As…

06:15, 31.01.2024

„Vechi fumător”- un nou tip ciudat de stea descoperit în Calea Lactee

Un studiu de un deceniu al cerului nopții a dezvăluit un nou tip misterios de stele la care astronomii se referă ca fiind un „vechi fumător” descoperit în Calea Lactee, potrivit CNN . Aceste obiecte stelare ascunse…

11:21, 10.01.2024

Average monthly household earning - 7,301 RON, expenses - 88.1% of earning in Q3 2023

Average monthly household earning - 7,301 RON, expenses - 88.1% of earning in Q3 2023

Average monthly household earning - 7,301 RON, expenses - 88.1% of earning in Q3 2023The total average monthly earning was 7,301 RON per household in the third quarter of 2023 and 2,918 RON per person, an increase…

11:05, 19.12.2023

Average monthly pension reaches 2,117 RON in 3rd quarter, up 0.4pct

Average monthly pension reaches 2,117 RON in 3rd quarter, up 0.4pctThe average monthly pension reached 2,117 RON in the third quarter of the current year, up 0.4pct compared to the previous quarter, according to…

12:55, 24.11.2023

Deposits of non-government resident customers advances 0.1pct in Oct 2023

Deposits of non-government resident customers advances 0.1pct in Oct 2023Deposits of non-government resident customers in Romania grew by 0.1% in October 2023 on a monthly basis to RON 548,343.5 million, while…

19:15, 25.10.2023

Monthly minimum acceptable consumption basket at 9,978 RON for two-adult, two-children family

The monthly minimum consumption basket for a decent living standard for a two-adult and two-children family is 9,978 RON in September 2023, up 15.2 percent compared to September 2022, shows data published by the…

12:11, 05.10.2023

Household monthly income at 6,910 RON on average in Q2, spending at 86.4 pct thereof

The average total monthly income per Romanian household was 6,910 RON in Q2 2023 - 2,770 RON per person, down 1 percent from Q1 2023, shows data released on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).Compared…

14:50, 22.09.2023

A dat 4 dolari pe o ramă veche dintr-o piață de vechituri din SUA, s-a ales cu o pictură valoroasă. Ce sumă a obținut la licitație

O femeie din Manchester, statul american New Hampshire, a obținut 191.000 de dolari la o licitație a casei Bonhams Skinner, după ce a cumpărat, în 2017, cu 4 dolari, dintr-o piață de vechituri, o ramă veche, în…

12:20, 31.08.2023

Unemployment rate in Romania, down to 2.9pct in July 2023

Unemployment rate in Romania, down to 2.9pct in July 2023The July 2023 unemployment rate nationwide in Romania was 2.9%, down 0.01 percentage points on a monthly basis, the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) reports,…

11:25, 11.08.2023

Net average monthly wage rises to 4,600 RON this June (official statistics)

The average net nominal wage this June was RON 4,600, up by RON 57 (+1.3 pct) month over month, the National Institute of Statistics announced on Friday.The average gross wage was RON 7,364, by RON 135 (+1.9 pct)…

10:36, 01.08.2023

Oil steadies after biggest monthly advance since early 2022

Oil edged lower after capping the biggest monthly advance since early 2022 as indications that the rapid ascent may be due for a pause countered signs of a tighter global crude market, according to Bloomberg. West…

00:41, 06.06.2023

Astronomii au descoperit trei ­exoplanete observate de telescopul Kepler în ­ultimele sale zile de funcţionare

Mai mulţi astrofizicieni şi astronomi amatori au identificat unele dintre ultimele planete pe care telescopul Kepler, dezvoltat de NASA şi retras între timp din activitate, le-a observat pe durata ultimelor sale…

20:30, 30.05.2023

Senate passes draft on 4-day monthly teleworking for parents with children up to 8

Senate passes draft on 4-day monthly teleworking for parents with children up to 8. The Senate adopted in Tuesday's plenary meeting a legislative proposal to amend the Labour Code by which parents of children up…

10:05, 12.05.2023

Lumea științifică, în alertă. Tocmai a avut loc cea mai mare explozie cosmică înregistrată vreodată

Oamenii de ştiinţă au o explicaţie inedită pentru cauza fenomenului, dar insistă că este nevoie de cercetări suplimentare pentru a clarifica acest aspect.Evenimentul, denumit AT2021lwx, nu este totuși cel mai strălucitor…

10:40, 27.04.2023

Astronomii au găsit originea quasarilor, cele mai luminoase obiecte din Univers cu energie colosală

Astronomii au confirmat, miercuri, pentru prima data, sursa quasarilor, cele mai luminoase obiecte din Univers cu energie colosala, care provoaca disparitia galaxiilor, scrie AFP. Quasarii sunt printre cele mai…

15:15, 29.03.2023

Cercetătorii au descoperit o gaură neagră ultra-masivă, cu o masă de 30 de miliarde de ori mai mare decât a Soarelui

O gaura neagra ultra-masiva, cu o masa de aproximativ 30 de miliarde de ori mai mare decât cea a Soarelui, a fost descoperita de o echipa de astronomi britanici, relateaza miercuri agentia DPA si LiveScience, potrivit…

13:55, 29.03.2023

Gaură neagră „ultramasivă”, descoperită de oamenii de știință britanici. Obiectul are de 30 de miliarde de ori masa Soarelui

Gaura neagră argantuană descoperită de astronomii din Marea Britanie este una dintre cele mai mari descoperite vreodată. Astfel de obiecte cosmince sunt extrem de rare și se crede că sunt amplasate în centrul galaxiilork,…

11:10, 16.03.2023

Court to consider challenge to law on mandatory monthly report of agricultural produce stockpiles

The Constitutional Court of Romania will consider today a challenge filed by the Save Romania Union (USR) and the Right Force (FD) against a law mandating agricultural producers to report their monthly stockpiles…

11:10, 16.03.2023

Average monthly pension up 0.5pct in quarter 4 of 2022, compared to previous quarter

The average monthly pension increased by 0.5pct in quarter 4 of last year, compared to the previous quarter, up to 1,866 RON, the average number of pensioners being 4,992 million people, down by 4,000 people, the…

11:00, 13.02.2023

Average net monthly salary in Romania up 6.2pct in December 2022

The average net monthly salary earning in Romania in December 2022 was RON 4,398, up RON 257 (+6.2%) on a monthly basis and 13.4% y-o-y, according to data published on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics…

11:01, 11.01.2023

Household monthly income at 6,668 RON on average in Q3 2022

The average total monthly income per Romanian household was 6,668 RON in Q3 2022 - 2,662 RON per person - and total expenditures stood at 5,816 RON per household (2,322 RON per person) or 87.2 percent of total…

18:05, 25.11.2022

Invoicing period should be monthly for household customers (energy regulator)

The National Regulatory Authority in the Energy Area (ANRE) has published a draft regulation for the supply of electricity to final customers, which provides for a monthly billing period for household customers…

00:15, 17.11.2022

Gov't to extend granting of 50 euros bi-monthly for food; 700 RON - aid for energy

The spokesperson for the National Liberal Party (PNL), Ionut Stroe, announced, on Wednesday, after the meeting of the National Political Bureau of the Liberals, that the Government will adopt an emergency ordinance…

15:45, 10.11.2022

PM announces ruling coalition agreement on electricity prices

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared on Thursday in Vicovu de Sus - northern Suceava County, that the governing coalition agreed on an electricity tariff for household customers of 0.68 RON/kWh for a monthly consumption…

22:51, 04.11.2022

Astronomii au descoperit cea mai apropiată de Pământ gaură neagră. Unde se află aceasta

Astronomii au descoperit cea mai apropiată de Pământ gaură neagră, care se află la o distanță de "doar" 1.600 de ani-lumină, informează The Associated Press.Oamenii de știință au anunțat vineri că această gaură…

07:36, 06.10.2022

Calea Lactee cântăreşte mai puţin decât se estimase iniţial

Un grup de cercetători alcătuit din oameni de ştiinţă chinezi şi străini a măsurat cu precizie masa Căii Lactee, dezvăluind că aceasta cântăreşte de aproximativ 550 de miliarde de ori masa Soarelui, a informat…