Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:05, 10.07.2023

Alex Dumbrava to solo row across Black Sea so that 20 children receive speech therapy lessons

The endurance athlete Alex Dumbrava will set sail on a Guinness World Record adventure on Monday, as he will cross the Black Sea alone in a rowing boat, his endeavour also aimed at helping 20 children receive speech…

10:30, 09.07.2023

Video| Coproducţia bulgaro-germană 'Blaga's Lessons', recompensată cu Globul de Cristal la Festivalul de Film de la Karlovy Vary

Pelicula ''Blaga's Lessons'', o coproducţie bulgaro-germană, a fost recompensată sâmbătă cu Globul de Cristal în cadrul Festivalului Internaţional de Film de la Karlovy Vary, cea mai prestigioasă manifestare de…

15:20, 07.02.2023

Ski instructors of Mountain Gendarmerie to give free ski lessons for children at Cota 2000 in Sinaia

Ski instructors of the Mountain Gendarmerie will give free lessons for children who want to learn how to ski, 13-16 February and 20-23 February, between 10:00hrs and 13:00hrs. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

13:25, 24.01.2023

Senate's Gorghiu: Memory of remarkable events, lessons of the past-determining factor in choices,decisions of the present and future

Acting Senate President Alina Gorghiu sent a message on Tuesday, occasioned by the Romanian Principalities Union Day, stating that the celebration of beautiful events of history shows us, every time, how important…

08:06, 29.11.2022

Bunul Samaritean, Tesla și algoritmii

Mihai CAPŞA-TOGAN În vremea când împărăteasa Irina a inițiat organizarea Sinodului VII ecumenic, în anul 787, sub coordonarea Sf. Tarasie Mărturisitorul, în școala islamică din Bagdad, savantul, scriitorul și matematicianul…

10:50, 31.10.2022

Război în Ucraina, ziua 250: Alerte antiaeriene în cea mai mare parte din țară. La Kiev s-au auzit explozii puternice - LIVE TEXT

UPDATE 9:31 - Primarul Kievului Vitali Kliciko a cerut țărilor occidentale să trimită pături în Ucraina, având în vedere intensificarea atacurilor rusești asupra infrastructurii energetice ucrainene înainte de…

09:30, 31.10.2022

Război în Ucraina, ziua 250: Alerte antiaeriene în cea mai mare parte din țară. La Kiev s-au auzit explozii puternice - LIVE TEXT

UPDATE 8:00 - Alarme aeriene în mare parte din Ucraina, în Kiev s-au auzit mai multe explozii.Pe cerul capitalei Kievului s-au văzut mai multe fuioare fum, după ce au avut loc aproximativ 10 explozii, potrivit…

22:10, 30.10.2022

Lavrov consideră că situația actuală din jurul Ucrainei amintește de criza rachetelor din Cuba. Care e diferența fundamentală potrivit acestuia

Situația actuală legată de Ucraina este similară cu perioada crizei rachetelor din Cuba, întrucât este vorba despre amenințări directe la adresa securității Rusiei care se manifestă chiar la granițele țării, a…

17:50, 26.09.2022

Interactive lessons, book presentations, games, exhibitions on European Day of Languages, in Romanian Cultural Institute's network

A series of events promoting the Romanian language and culture will be organized by the representatives of the Romanian Cultural Institute on the occasion of the European Day of Languages, celebrated on Monday.…

09:36, 24.09.2022

Iohannis to Silicon Valley's Romanian entrepreneurs: Perhaps you've got some lessons we could use

Perhaps you have some lessons that would use us, surely there are some areas where you can tell us how you think it would have been good for things to work in Romania," President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday at…

08:45, 12.09.2022

Two men die in Suceava plane crash; plane owner was taking piloting lessons

Two men died in the plane crash in Hurjuieni, Suceava County, one of them being the owner of the small plane, confirmed the spokesperson for the Suceava Emergency Situations Inspectorate, Alin Galeata. Fii la curent…

13:20, 14.02.2022

Citu: I've offered solutions as an economist; whoever ignores 2008 will be responsible for a major crisis

National chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Florin Citu said on Monday that he had presented measures to downsize contributions and VAT as an economist, adding that those who "ignore" the lessons of 2008…

17:40, 19.01.2022

Cel mai recent roman al scriitorului britanic Ian McEwan, 'Lessons', va fi publicat în septembrie

Cel mai recent roman al scriitorului britanic Ian McEwan, ''Lessons'', ''o meditaţie plină de forţă asupra istoriei şi umanităţii spusă prin prisma existenţei unui om'', va fi publicat în septembrie, informează…

02:50, 21.10.2021

Suferinţele profesorale

Virtutea didactica se obtine totusi numai prin forta exemplului si, ca atare, histrionismul ramâne o componenta fundamentala a profesoratului. Doxa sugereaza, concomitent, sofisticare si enigma. Explicitarea ei…

16:30, 15.10.2021

Dacian Ciolos: Not the case for PNL, which had an alliance with PSD, to give us lessons

The Prime Minister-designate Dacian Ciolos declared on Friday that the chairman of PNL (National Liberal Party) Florin Citu, did not want to meet with him, adding that it is not the case for liberals to give lessons…

18:45, 18.09.2021

Verificare: a fost real citatul atribuit lui Jimmy Carter (și devenit viral) despre Iisus Hristos și homosexuali?

Un citat atribuit fostului președinte american Jimmy Carter despre Iisus și homosexualitate s-a răspândit în mediile sociale. O postare a lui @ColoradoIndepe1 cuprinde o fotografie a celui de-al 39-lea…

17:20, 30.06.2021

Pogrom Commemoration/Saranga: We cannot ignore history between us; we must accept it, learn its lessons

The Ambassador of the State of Israel in Bucharest, David Saranga, on Wednesday stated, in the context of the commemoration of the victims of the Iasi Pogrom, of June 1941, that Romania must accept "honestly the…

11:50, 29.06.2021

Iohannis in Iasi Pogrom remembrance message:May we always keep in mind lessons of history, defend democratic principles

President Klaus Iohannis sent today a message on the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Iasi anti-Jewish Pogrom (June 28 - 30, 1941). "These days we mark eight decades since one of the bloodiest pages…

16:46, 03.06.2021

Most parents agree that pupils need private lessons

Most parents agree that pupils need private lessons to gain knowledge at the intermediate level, and this activity should be taxed, according to a study launched on Thursday by the Romanian Academic Society and…

16:35, 28.05.2021

ForMin Bogdan Aurescu: For us, diplomats, vaccine contains many lessons learned

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu responded on Friday to the challenge launched by Prime Minister Florin Citu to the members of the Cabinet as to what the COVID vaccine means to them, in the context of…

21:21, 27.05.2021

Global companies have begun to quantify risks arising from cyber attacks (experts)

A culture of online security is very important, it can help us protect ourselves from cyber attacks, a context in which six out of ten global companies maintain to have begun to quantify these risks. This is the…

12:55, 23.01.2021

Brie Larson va fi protagonista şi producător executiv al serialului Lessons in Chemistry

Actriţa Brie Larson, premiată cu Oscar în 2016 pentru rolul din „Room”, va fi protagonista şi producător executiv al serialului „Lessons in Chemistry”, al doilea proiect al ei pentru platforma Apple TV+, informează…

12:15, 02.09.2020

PM Orban: Teachers need to adapt so that they can teach in classroom, online

Teachers need to adapt so that they can teach both the children in the classroom and those who follow the lessons online, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Wednesday. "Adaptation is needed, teachers need to…

14:15, 01.09.2020

Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy, September 7-9, to be held virtually

The Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy will take place September 7-9 in a virtual format, with one of its topics being lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu.…

15:07, 16.04.2020

Iohannis: Crisis has given us painful lessons, healthcare system needs deep realignment

The crisis caused by the new coronavirus has given "painful lessons" about the need to strengthen the state, especially the healthcare system, President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday. "This crisis has given us…

21:04, 14.05.2019

Ciamba: Presidency of EU Council is, in a way, proof of our country's role; European construction - unique model

The Presidency of the Council of the European Union is, in a way, proof of Romania's role in supporting the EU in "times of great uncertainty," Minister-delegate for European Affairs George Ciamba said on Tuesday,…

19:42, 14.05.2019

#Romania2019.eu/Ciamba: Preşedinţia Consiliului UE e, într-un fel, o dovadă a rolului ţării noastre; construcţia europeană - un model unic

Preşedinţia Consiliului Uniunii Europene este, într-un fel, o dovadă a rolului României în sprijinirea UE în "vremuri de mari incertitudini", a declarat, marţi, ministrul delegat pentru Afaceri Europene, George…

19:35, 07.02.2019

EduMin Andronescu: It's unacceptable for pupils to be given private lessons by class teacher

It is unacceptable for the pupils to be given private lessons by their very class teacher or follow the after-school hours with their class teacher, on Thursday said the National Education minister Ecaterina Andronescu,…

17:39, 05.12.2018

Ce cărţi recomandă Bill Gates, dintre cele pe care le-a citit în 2018

Toate titlurile recomandate de Gates sunt de nonficţiune, abordând subiecte diverse, de la sisteme de luptă autonome la meditaţie. “Educated”, de Tara Westover, urmăreşte experienţele autoarei ca fiică…

19:38, 07.11.2018

Ucraina devine flancul estic al NATO

''Fără o Ucraină puternică, ce s-a transformat într-un flanc estic de facto al NATO, nu se poate discuta despre un spaţiu euro-atlantic stabil'', a afirmat Poroşenko în cadrul conferinţei internaţionale la nivel…