Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:40, 01.05.2023

PSD's Ciolacu: May 1st dedicated to those who truly hold this country on their shoulders

May 1st is dedicated to those who work hard and those who truly hold this country on their shoulders, Chairman of the Social democratic Part (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu stated on Monday, who joined the medical staff of…

10:16, 23.08.2022

Anthony Fauci a anunțat că pleacă în decembrie de la Casa Albă, dar asta nu înseamnă ”o ieșire la pensie”

Anthony Fauci, principalul consilier al preşedintelui american Joe Biden pe probleme legate de COVID-19, a anunţat luni că renunță atribuţiile oficiale în luna decembrie a acestui an, informează AFP. De asemenea,…

14:51, 06.06.2022

După Covid-19, doctorul Anthony Fauci, implicat și în variola maimuței. Consilierul lui Biden, păpușarul Big Pharma?

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), condus de doctorul Anthony Fauci, a plătit anul trecut 9,8 milioane de dolari cercetătorilor guvernamentali pentru a dezvolta un tratament pentru variola…

13:35, 05.04.2022

Sărăcia și lipsa de igienă, un cockteil care favorizează cazuri severe și decese prin Covid-19

După peste doi ani de când s-a declanșat pandemia de Covid-19, apar noi informații privitoare la cauzele formelor grave ale acestei boli. Un vast studiu, în care au fost incluși 343.850 de britanici, a ajuns la…

20:35, 12.01.2022

MS: Administration of oral antivirals against COVID-19, only on doctor's decision

Orally administered antivirals are effective in all viral variants of COVID-19, but they can only be administered to patients eligible for such treatment following a doctor's prescription, according to the specialists…

12:21, 12.01.2022

Ne poate proteja o răceală împotriva variantei Omicron de coronavirus?

Ne poate o răceală proteja de Covid-19? Un studiu realizat de oamenii de știință de la Universitatea din Glasgow (Scoția) și publicat în Journal of Infectious Diseases a sugerat deja că rinovirusurile responsabile…

09:05, 11.01.2022

HealthMin Rafila, at Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta, where fire with many victims took place

Minister of Health Alexandru Rafila is paying a visit on Tuesday to the Infectious Diseases Hospital in southeastern Constanta, which was affected by a fire last year, where he will discuss with the local authorities,…

16:11, 07.01.2022

HealthMin Rafila perplexed nothing has moved after hospital fires

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila will travel next week to the Constanta Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases where several patients died in a fire that broke out in early October at the ICU ward, Agerpres…

20:01, 05.01.2022

Total number of infections with Omicron variant in Romania reaches 183

The number of COVID cases with the Omicron variant reached 183 in Romania, another 91 cases being confirmed on Wednesday, the Health Ministry informs. According to the quoted source, in the past two days, the Matei…

15:45, 30.12.2021

Rafila: Human error and not building state is what often triggers tragedies in hospitals

Minister of Health Alexandru Rafila pleaded, on Thursday, for the observance of the procedures and the regulation of the operation of each hospital, so as to avoid the occurrence of some incidents, because, often,…

11:50, 07.12.2021

Melatonina poate reduce rata mortalității Covid, tromboza și sepsisul

Două studii cheie au identificat rolul pe care îl joacă melatonina în reducerea riscului unui test pozitiv pentru COVID și în scăderea incidenței simptomelor severe. Această nouă descoperire se adaugă la o listă…

10:26, 11.11.2021

Ploiesti hospital fire/Citu: We are dealing with an overuse of medical system; vaccination is only solution

Interim PM Florin Citu on Thursday has sent a message of condolences to the families of the victims of the Ploiesti hospital fire, specifying that, because of the 4th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Romania is facing…

10:17, 11.11.2021

Ploiesti hospital fire / Criminal case for manslaughter, following SJU event

Police have opened a criminal case for manslaughter following the fire that broke out on Thursday morning at the Infectious Diseases Ward of the Ploiesti County Emergency Hospital (SJU), resulting in the death…

10:17, 11.11.2021

Arafat: Fire at Ploiesti Infectious Diseases Hospital, extinguished in three minutes; nurse suffered burns

The head of the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), Raed Arafat, declared on Thursday, in Ploiesti, that the fire that broke out at the Infectious Diseases Ward of the County Emergency Hospital (SJU) was…

10:41, 06.10.2021

Patriarch Daniel about the fire at Constanța hospital: To rest the souls of the dead in the light, peace and love of the crucified and risen Christ

His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel has expressed his deep sorrow for the tragedy that took place on October 1 at the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta, basilica reports. In a message published following the…

17:35, 01.10.2021

PM Citu demands Health Ministry to find solutions to prevent hospital tragedies like today's Constanta fire

Prime Minister Florin Citu, speaking about the deadly fire that hit the Constanta Infectious Diseases Hospital this morning, said that it is important that the Health Ministry "looks exactly at the short-term,…

17:30, 01.10.2021

PM Citu: Healthcare receives additional 5.7 billion RON from budget this year, over 2020

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated that the allotted budget for this year for Healthcare, up to this time, was by 5.7 billion RON bigger than last year and mentioned that the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta…

16:55, 01.10.2021

PM requests removal of manager of Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital Constanta, removes ANMCS chairman

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced on Friday that he asked for the removal of the manager of the Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta, Stela Halichidis, and that he removed the chairman of the National…

13:40, 01.10.2021

President Klaus Iohannis: I am terrified to hear about the tragedy at Constanta Hospital

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday sent a message of condolences to the families of the victims of the fire that broke out at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Constanta and asked the PM and the Minister…

13:30, 01.10.2021

Constanta Prefect Cosa: Responders arrived at fire scene within seven minutes of alert

Constanta County Prefect Silviu Cosa said on Friday that the first responders arrived at the Infectious Diseases Hospital within seven minutes of being alerted of a fire there, and the head of the Constanta Inspectorate…

12:55, 01.10.2021

Cseke Attila: Evacuation of patients from the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta is underway

The interim Minister of Health, Cseke Attila, specified that the evacuation of patients from the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta, where a fire took place on Friday at the ICU COVID Department, resulting…

12:05, 01.10.2021

Constanta Hospital fire investigated as culpable homicide case (sources)

A fire that broke out on Friday at the intensive care unit of the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta is being investigated as a culpable homicide case, judicial sources tell AGERPRES. According to them,…

11:40, 01.10.2021

PM Citu asks Arafat go to Constanta to manage Infectious Diseases Hospital operations

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Friday asked the head of the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), Raed Arafat, to go to Constanta and manage the operations at the Infectious Diseases Hospital there, after a…

10:56, 01.10.2021

Fire breaks out at intensive care unit of Constanta Infectious Diseases Hospital

A fire broke out on Friday at the intensive care unit of the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta that triggered a code red emergency plan. According to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU)…

09:46, 01.10.2021

Efect ADVERS în PREMIERĂ MONDIALĂ: Un bărbat bolnav de coronavirus a făcut Sindromul anal neliniștit

Un bărbat în vârstă de 77 de ani cu o formă uşoară de COVID-19 a fost diagnosticat cu o afecţiune despre care se crede că reprezintă o premieră mondială, „sindromul anal neliniştit”. Cazul a fost prezentat de medicul…

09:15, 28.09.2021

Third COVID-19 vaccine dose administration in Romania to start today

The mass immunisation of the population in Romania with a third dose of COVID-19 vaccines starts today. To mark the moment, the frontline healthcare workers of the Matei Bals National Institute of Infectious Diseases…

17:26, 10.09.2021

STUDIU. Peste o treime din cei care au avut Covid-19 nu dezvoltă anticorpi

Pentru studiu, o echipă de cercetători de la Universitatea Pennsylvania, condusă de dr. Weimin Liu și Beatrice Hahn (autor principal) a analizat mostre de sânge de la 72 de persoane care au fost testate pozitiv…

17:25, 10.09.2021

Peste o treime din cei care au avut Covid-19 nu dezvoltă anticorpi, afirmă un nou studiu

Vă gândiți că sunteți protejați de coronavirus și nu aveți nevoie de vaccin pentru că tocmai ați avut Covid-19? Ei bine, contrar îndemnurilor motivaționale pe care le primiți, nu mai fiți atât de siguri, afirmă…

11:25, 05.07.2021

Oamenii nevaccinați pot deveni „fabrici” de tulpini mutante de coronavirus

Experții se tem că persoanele nevaccinate anti-COVID-19 nu doar că se pun pe ele însele în pericol, dar riscă și să devină „fabrici” de tulpini mutante de coronavirus. Informațiile vin de la expertul în boli infecțtioase…

17:41, 13.05.2021

Realizatorul TV Tucker Carlson examinează modul în care Antohny Fauci a ajutat la finanțarea laboratorului din Wuhan

Articol adaptat după comentariul de deschidere al lui Tucker Carlson din ediția de pe 10 mai 2021 a „Tucker Carlson Tonight”, de pe Fox News. Gazda show-ului de pe Fox News „Tucker Carlson Tonight” examinează modul…